Cobra x Kinana

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Kinana's POV

I just can't help but kept glancing at the door. I don't know why but every year during Christmas, I always seem to feel like Erik is here with me. I knew it was impossible, he was traveling around Fiore with Jellal.

Plus, why would he come find me. It was me who thought that he was the one calling me. He didn't seem to know me even though I tried to talk to him. But still I hadn't seen him for months and my memories still haven't returned.But I have a strong feeling that Erik is related to my past. How do I put it? Its just that his presence is really familiar to me and I feel close to him.

Ughhhhh I just can't get that thought out of my head. I should be enjoying myself not straining myself. Maybe I should go for a walk. Furthermore its snowing outside, its definitely going to help me put my mind at rest.

I put on my jacket and scarf that was hanging on the hanger, grabbed my purse then headed out. Brrrrrr. Its freezing. I thought.

I began to walk towards the park. Many couples should be dating there. After all in was Christmas. The park should decorated with accessories like bells, fairy lights and snowman. Along the way, I could see snowflakes falling from the sky and reached out my hand to catch one. It was beautiful but melted as soon as it touched my palms, it melted. I was a bit disappointed but that didn't ruin my mood.

Soon I reached the park. Just as I had guessed, many youngsters were there. Some were building snowmans, kissing, talking and so on.

I wonder if I could ever find someone who loves me. Immediately I'm my mind, Erik's face appeared. I blushed, my face was so hot I bet it could melt the snow. Why did I think of him? No no no Kinana you're suppose to be relaxing yourself. Don't think of him!!! I shook my head furiously, trying to get the image out of my head.

I continued to trail through the park when I heard my stomach grumble. Then I remembered that I had not eaten dinner yet.

Sigh. Guess I have to make a trip to the super market. The super market was surprisingly deserted. I had thought that it would be filled with people grabbing groceries for Christmas dinner. Well since it's Christmas, might as well award myself for doing such a great job this year.

I bought a packet of chicken fillet, some potatoes, carrots, and broccoli. These are going to be used for chicken stew. What would a festive dinner be without dessert. With that in mind, I grabbed mysef my favorite ice cream-blueberry ice cream!

After paying for the stuff, I made my way back home. By now, the streets were already deserted and it was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop. Frightened by the uncomfortable silence, I quickened my steps as I head home.

When I was just a few steps away, I could see a suspicious figure wandering around my house. Alarmed, I placed my groceries aside and activated my poison magic. "Who's there?" I shouted.

The figure froze but didn't answer. My heart was beating furiously. Its was going up and down continuously. The figure seemed to notice my discomfort. And he spoke, " Chill, its me Cub- I mean Kinana." "Erik?" I whispered, shocked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Deactivating my magic, I picked up my groceries. "I wanted to um see you." "Let's talk inside. It's freezing out here." "Okay."

Once we were inside, I prepared tea for Erik then started to make myself and Erik dinner. I insisted that he should eat with me.

Cobra's POV

How did this even happen? I asked myself as my eyebrows twitched repeatedly. I had been gathering up my courage to tell the truth to Cub- Kinana and now that I finally see her, she's inside her kitchen preparing dinner and I was sitting on the couch waiting for her. And for Mavis's sake her name is Kinana not Cubelious. Get that in your head Erik!

"Hey um Kinana, I want to tell you something." I started.

"Just a minute. Let me throw everything inside the pot." she said.

I waited patiently before she came out of the kitchen. "All done just wait for another twenty minutes and it'll be ready." she informed me. "I " "I " the both of us started. "You can go first." I offered.

"I have been meaning to ask you something. Are you in any way related to my past?" she asked.

"That was what I wanted to tell you." I then began to tell her everything that happened before she was saved by Makarov.

By the time I had finished, she was in tears and I was panicking. I have no experience with girls other than Angel, much less calm a crying girl.

What happened next was not in my expectation. Kinana jumped into my arms and gave me a huge hug. My face turned redder than that Scarlett's hair. I could feel her umm her chest squeezing onto my chest.

"Oh Erik you must be so lonely without Cubelious. I am so sorry." She squeaked.

I didn't deny what she said and we just stayed in that position in comfortable silence.

From that day on I swore to god that I would never let Kinana get hurt every again. I would not let the person I care about leave me and I am going to ensure it that way.

Hey guys!!! I think this chapter was a bit less romantic and is it just me or are Kinana and Cobra a bit OOC? Anyways hope you guys like it.

Next Chapter: Miraxus + slight Elfgreen

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