Home for Christmas

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A/N: Merry Christmas Forever_Rimaine! I hope I did your prompt justice. =)

Here's a serving of Christmas eggnog from me to you.

Prompt: She is coming home for Christmas; He is not ready to see her again.


December 23 – 12:30 PM New York Time / December 24 – 01:30 AM Manila Time

I'm coming home RJ, I'm coming home. Please reply to my messages, even just once. – M

Maine is finally coming home.

After long days of being all alone in a foreign country, she is finally coming home.

She is already onboard her flight that will take her back to Manila and she just cannot contain her excitement and, well anxiety too.

Excitement - because finally after being away for so long she is now on her way back home. She may be in her soul city and it may have already started snowing with promises of that elusive White Christmas, but nothing still beats Christmas in the Philippines.

Anxiety - because she wants to make it home before Christmas even if she does not know what is waiting for her when she gets home (or if there is something/someone waiting for her).

She moved hell and high waters just to make it back to Manila  before the clock strikes at 12 midnight. Her stress level just to pull that off is off the charts, so this feeling she is getting from RJ's animosity is not welcome at all.

The last time her and RJ talked did not end on a good note. She knows that she is partially at fault, but RJ is stubborn too. They are both stubborn, both proud. And both of them are not willing to compromise. A few hurtful words might have been thrown by both parties, but she sure hopes that in the spirit of Christmas, everything is forgiven now.

And that was a long time ago, and she wants to see him, and she's hoping that he is ready to see her again.

Are you not excited to see me? – M

No. – R


December 23 – 12:40 PM New York Time / December 4 – 01:30 AM Manila Time

No. – R

RJ has been dreading this day, the day of her return.

He is not yet ready to face her. After everything that has happened, he is not looking forward to the day that she is finally coming home.

Of course, he missed her. He always misses her.

He misses her when he is driving along EDSA and he sees her (or both) their billboards scattered everywhere. He misses her when he goes to the mall and sees all her favourite brands, which more or less is everything. He misses her when he goes on to an empty house, with only Globie, Nini, and Philip waiting for him. He misses her when he is about to go to bed, finds her side of the bed empty and cold. He misses her when... he practically misses her every time, all the time.

But he is a man on a mission, and he cannot let her know that. Not yet. Too much is at stake here. He is simply not yet ready for whatever she is asking of him.

He hates hurting her, and he knows that he is hurting right now... but he needs to keep his resolve not to give in. Not again, not this time.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off as rude. But it's just too soon. – R

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