Chapter One

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Written by @GemmaStar!  hello! :)

Zayn's POV:

''And that group over there? With all the leather and studs and stuff?'' I nod toward the group furthest from us, a small but colourful collection of girls with spiked hair and dramatic make up.

Louis frowns in their direction, putting a piece of pie behind his teeth and chewing thoughtfully. ''That's Amber's little groupie. Emos and weird creepy witch stuff. I would only get involved in them if you want somebody to, I dunno, wish away some kind of trauma in your brain. Most likely a migraine or some shit like that.'' Louis shrugged.

I snorted. ''Okay then... Who else?'' I stared around the crowded lunch hall, picking out random strangers whom I happened to share a school with now. They seemed an eclectic and varied school group, ageing from eleven up to nineteen. Giggly girls, wearing their personalised, skanky uniforms, boys wandering around with leather jackets on, oblivious to the school policy of uniform at all, the nerds with top button done up, books clutched tight to their chest... I had no idea how I was going to fit in here. 

The only boy so far, in my new school, who'd been friendly or showed any interest in me, was Louis Tomlinson.

''There's a group of other lads, who happen to be punks, like you. Flynn's little posy of punks get around, you know.'' Louis chanced a glance at the the parts of my arms he could see, decorated with intricate, swirling tattoos and ink patterns. I smiled wryly at him. ''They aren't the nicest, but they seem to be the only people I can guess of so far who have something in common with you, mate.''

I nodded dazingly. ''Cool... any gay guys?'' I asked quickly. 

Louis rolled his eyes, smirking, as he stabbed his fork into his mushy, school lunch-standard pie. ''Apart from me and you? I'm not really sure. There's Cooper, over there-'' Louis motioned toward a spotty, tall, pubescent lad with madly curly hair and dark eyes. ''Well. His real name is Jed, but everybody just calls him Cooper. Then there is... Sheilah, over there, but I'm guessing by gay, you don't mean lesbian... right?''

I looked at Louis funny. ''No, Louis... no. But besides Cooper...?''

He shrugged again. ''Neabdy I know of. Bisexuals and stuff, but anybody else? Nada.''

I sighed, staring round the lunch hall again. People looked back in my direction, obviously curious to see the newcomer boy from out of town. I felt like a rare animal in a zoo, getting pointed at and talked about, but nothing to do about it. I scanned the crowd, until my eyes hit on one boy, sitting all alone at the back of the lunch hall, hunched over no food, but his English jotter.

He may as well be a miniture David Bekham, is all I can say. His brown, shiny hair swept over his head, the sides shaved, his jawline subline and voluptuous. I could see through his old school shirt he had the abs of a god, too. As a gay guy, I kind of just notice these things first off. 

I'm immediately attracted to him, but there seems to be just something about him that doesn't seem... right, somehow. Spiked. Hidden.

I frowned. ''Louis? Who's that boy... over there?'' I try my best not to point, but in this throbbing, shoving crowd, it's pretty impossible not to. ''The boy alone.''

''Oh,'' Louis says softly, a grimace lining his lips. ''That's, uh, Liam. He's, sort of... mute. Has no friends and stuff... everybody wants to help him out, but they just end up getting frustrated with him. Nobody here knows sign language-''

''I know sign language!'' I pipe up, my heart jumping in speed a little. ''I haven't had a use for it so far; but I couldn't speak till I was five, so I learnt sign,''

Sweet and Silent (Ziam Fan Fic Co-written with @MrandMrStylinson)Where stories live. Discover now