{Chapter 6} ~ Science

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(A/N - Probably the most interesting chapter so far! Hope you enjoy :) ).

>Harry's P.O.V<

I got to science early and sat at the back like I did in my other lessons. I got out my pen and went to the front to get my new book because I was 'the new kid' . "Here you go" the teacher said and handed a red book to me. I took it and went back to my seat. As I was writing my name down, lots of students were coming into the classroom with huge projects and sat at a desk each. Of course I didn't have one. So I just carried on writing my name and blocked out everyone.

>Simon's P.O.V<

Me,Josh,Tobi and Vik all walked into the classroom with our project and sat at our desk. "Wait" Vik said with a puzzled expression, "Is that the new guy?" We all turned around and saw a boy with his hood up writing in his book. We all just nodded to each other and turned back towards are desk. For some reason I was still staring at him and I didn't even realise. He looked up and stared directly into my eyes. I jerked my head round quickly back towards the front of the classroom. I was going a dark shade of red for some reason. Was I blushing?

"Are you alright Simon?" Josh asked me with a worried look. "You've got slightly rosy cheeks"
"Im fine" I said quickly "Just really - er -  hot" and gave him a smile. "Simon for gods sake it's December" he said to me and sighed. "I - er - I'm just hot because of - erm - my - er - sweatshirt." I said stuttering out the words. What the fuck is wrong with me all of a sudden? "Ok..." Josh said with concern in his voice and just turned back to face the teacher.

>Harry's P.O.V<

I noticed this group of four boys looking at me from across the room. They were talking about me most likely, but they turned away after about ten seconds. Probably because I'm new they don't like the look me. But one boy was still staring at me so I decided to confront my fears and look at him directly in the eyes. I have no clue why I did this as it normally triggers my social anxiety when I look at someone like that. I looked up and we locked eyes for one second. In that second I noticed how damn beautiful his blue eyes were. Why do I think his eyes are beautiful? After that one second he jerked his head around back to his group of friends. I felt extremely hot and I put a hand up to my face, on my cheek. I was blushing. Why? I just looked at this boy for one second and I'm blushing? What? I questioned myself a lot for five minutes until I heard my name being called.

"Harry!" The teacher said with his booming voice. "Why don't you come up the front and introduce yourself as you are new." He said with a smile. This was a new school so no one knew of my social anxiety. I didn't want to go up in front of everybody and say my full name. I felt everyone's eyes on me and I just wanted to get out and bury myself underneath something and not come out. I just slid down my chair and hid my face in my hoodie. "Cmon Harry" the teacher said with annoyance in his voice. Everyone, including that boy with the deep blue eyes, was staring at me. The stress was too much and I could feel my whole world going black. I was going to pass out. "Ok well it seems he doesn't want to come up but this is Harry Lewis. He is new here so he nice to him and help him if he needs it." I was still hid in my hoodie, but the dizziness was fading. "Anyway, on with the lesson" the teacher said. Everyone turned back around and one by one groups were going up and presenting their projects.

*Time skip to 20 minutes before the lesson ended*

The last group to go up was the one with that boy in it. It took them ten minutes to present the project and that boy with the deep blue eyes said the most. As he was going to sit down we locked eyes again and he just stared at me. It was my turn now to swiftly look down at my hands. I started to go a deep shade of red again, like a beetroot. Why am I blushing every time I see him? I questioned myself. It was ten minutes before the end of the lesson. We had double so it was mostly just the projects for the two hours. But we could just talk for the last ten minutes. Everyone was chatting amongst themselves and I just sat there and pulled my sketch book out and started drawing a pink flower that I saw outside the window.

>Simon's P.O.V<

It was the last ten minutes and we were just casually talking to each other (Me and the boys) when I noticed I was still so red. I made eye contact with that new boy again and just stared at him. He was the first to turn away though which made me feel stupid. As the boys were talking about this random game, I built up the courage and decided to get up and go to talk to him.

I strolled over and sat down next to him. He just froze up and started to put his pencil away. He was drawing a flower and it looked amazing. "Hey, its Harry isn't it?" I said with a cheerful smile. He just nodded and started putting his sketchbook away. "That was a really good drawing by the way" I said. I instantly regretted it. "Thanks" he muttered and he started to go red. Was he blushing? "How are you finding the new school so far?" I said to him. "Good" he said. "But it's pretty big" he then said with a small smile. He suddenly looked at me for no reason and I could see he was red. This caused me to blush instantly and he noticed. We quickly both diverted our heads away from each other. I noticed his eyes were so nice. A mixture of grey and blue that looked like the shallow part of an ocean. They somehow swirled around his pupils which was beautiful. Wait beautiful? What? Did I just say to myself that he was beautiful? I blushed even more. "Are you ok?" He asked me. God, he noticed. Shit. "Y - yeah I'm - erm - fine just - er - it's very - erm - hot. I stuttered so much in that sentence which caused me to blush even more. I was as red as a tomato. "It's December" he said with a little laugh. His laugh was so cute, just like him. Wait, I just called him cute. What is going on right now? "Yeah..." I just said with a small smile rubbing the back of my neck.

>Harry's P.O.V<

I could tell he was blushing, but why? It can't be because he's hot, because he's clearly not as it's December. It couldn't have been because of me right?. Surely not. It was silent for about Fifteen seconds and it was very awkward. It was starting to stir up my social anxiety. "It's time to go now" the teacher shouted to my relief. I started to pack up my things when the boy said something. "Do you want to like, meet up after school or something" he said. "My names Simon by the way". He smiled at me. Wait. Did someone just ask to meet with me? I didn't know what to say, I was amazed that someone wanted to get to know me. "S - sure "I said , blushing again. I wasn't used to this. "Meet me at the main school gate" he said cheerfully. He then got up and walked out of the class with the rest of his friends. I just gazed at him as he walked out and he caught my eye once again. He just waved and smiled his amazing smile. After two minutes of sitting there starstruck, I finally got up and went to the main school gate.


A/N - 60 reads! This was the best chapter I've had to write so far. I really enjoyed writing it, but it was a bit longer than the other chapters. Hopefully that was ok :).

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