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Trigger warning: Self-injurious behavior

There, a familiar face he was hoping to meet popped into view. However, this time his eyes were hooded, glimmering yet dull at the same time. It was much unlike the picture he saw of the boy, eyes carrying beautiful patterns. Hands curling at the side of the door, staring Jungkook down with his mouth agape; upper corners of his lips forming a smile. Jungkook was lost.

A gasp escaped Taehyung's lips. "Such a handsome stranger." With that he disappeared from view, leaving Jungkook baffled and confused, he thought the conversation would start with a simple 'hi', but apparently fate had different ideas.

Suddenly, the chain from the door clanged against the door frame; fully allowing to open the door. And within a second, the door burst open and Taehyung was clinging onto Jungkook like a koala. Feeling the sudden warmth surprised Jungkook, literally speechless.

"You're so warm..." He slurred as he kept his head in Jungkook chest, frail arms wrapped around him, restricting him from moving. So, Jungkook tried to shanks free, clueless why the boy is so clingy.

However, the boy slightly tightened his loose hug, not allowing Jungkook to break free. Because of this, Jungkook looked down only to meet a pair of sparkling eyes, glistening and shining from freshly built tears.

"Please don't leave me too." He whimpered, tears gliding down his hollow cheeks. Due to this, Jungkook wrapped his arms around the boy's thin waist, comforting him as much as possible – Taehyung's arms thus slipping around his neck.

"I'm not leaving, I'm not leaving..." Jungkook quickly repeated, closing his eyes as he whispered to the sobbing boy. Trying to comfort him even though he himself wasn't sure why the boy was crying. "I'm actually here to see you." This action made the boy stop sobbing altogether. Alarmed, Jungkook stopped whispering and looked at the boy who was staring at him with his huge sad puppy eyes.

"R-Really?" Quietly, the boy choked out, slurring at the end. Jungkook nodded, making the boy show a weak square shaped smile. Casually, Jungkook was going to ask if they could go inside as he didn't want to make a scene. But something stopped him. The wired feeling of somethings wet on his biceps and neck made him pause in place – wondering what the hell it was.

"Wait a second." Jungkook told the boy, slowly peeling himself off of the boy. He was about to look down at himself before he saw the horror before him. His eyes were about to pop out and his jaw dropped.

Ahead of his stood Taehyung, cuts engraved in his arms, fresh crimson blood racing down and dripping onto the floor. Smaller cuts decorated the boy's thighs, his already fire red boxers turning a darker red. His skin sickly pale. Eyes slightly sunken and droopy, eyes that probably normally would look lively look incredibly tired – as if he was pleading with his eyes to finally get a rest, a rest from life.

What made the experience worse was the weakly smiling face. How his pearly white teeth contrasted with the velvet blood smudged on his cheek right to his lips – must have done that by gliding his wrist across the itchy part of his skin. Jungkook didn't even know what to feel, horror? Pitty? Worry? Confusion? The lifeless smile was incredible fake, almost plastered by habit. Whatever it was, it was incredibly eerie to him, beginning to think that he actually feels all of those emotions as a muddled up mess in his chest.

Seeing this, Jungkook peered down at his clothes and saw that his pure white shirt was soaked in his blood. This was a lot of blood, making Jungkook afraid how much blood the boy lost, he doesn't want the boy to die from blood loss – even if he just knows him for a short amount of time, something in him is making him want to help. But wouldn't anyone help a bleeding person? Jungkook wonders, maybe making up an excuse for the strange tugging feeling.

So he decided to take the matters into his own hands, grabbing Taehyung's tainted shirt and pulling him inside not too harshly. Taehyung stumbled behind him, observing the stronger boy that's pulling him indoors. Face blank, yet undoubtedly showing confusion.

Jungkook stopped right at the door, making sure Taehyung is inside; then closing and locking it so that no one could get in. A loud slam echoed through the house making Taehyung flinch. Remorse swam in Jungkook's stomach, yet he had to decide to ignore it and get his thoughts straight before Taehyung bleeds out in his arms.

Jungkook turned into the warmth of Taehyung's house, seeing dried blood on the creamy walls. He gulped loudly and he traveled further into the house, delving into the living room which held a strong alcoholic smell combined with disgusting the smell of rust.

The two males stood in the arch way, scissors covered in blood thrown on the floor, along with puddles and droplets of blood on the carpet. Not to forget the green empty bottles scattered on the floor and spilled alcohol on the table.

Unfazed, Jungkook was too focused on the bleeding Taehyung that clung onto him like a koala. He dragged him into his small kitchen, wide eyes searching for a med kit. On the table, in a cupboard, stashed away. But he didn't find anything, except a box of tissues – in fact, a lot of tissues, which he was thankful for.

He hurriedly grabbed the large box in his hand, forcefully making the boy sit down in the kitchen chair – liking this room more than the hallways and living room. The older boy whined and moaned in the chair, reaching out for Jungkook who swatted his hands away, placing the tissues on the floor next to him. He then crouched I front of the boy, quickly grabbing a few tissues to attempt to stop the trickling blood.

Taehyung cringed from the applied pressure, however, he was in an utter bliss to care at all. Thus, the loosened up boy attempted to creat a conversation with the handsome stranger, not wanting another person to leave him.

"Sooo, what's your name shexy ssstranger..?" He may have sounded like a drunk pedophile, but it was definitely the alcohol speaking within him. Slurping his words as he attempts to find out the name of a random person that decided to visit him at the wrong time. Or maybe even the right time, Taehyung wasn't sure himself.

Jungkook raised a brow at the boy, grabbing more tissues and applying them against his thighs this time. Only the slightest whimper left his throat. But Jungkook ignored this, grabbing more tissues and applying it to the boy's other thigh. This, however, made the boy shift in his seat – uncomfortable to what Jungkook is doing to him.

"Shh, no, stay in your seat – it's ok, don't move." Jungkook tried to calm him down as if he was a small child – which he wasn't of course, but it did work.  The boy stopped all the shuffling on the chair, instead holding the sides of the base whilst looking down at his boxers, ashamed. The dark haired boy senses the change of mood, deciding to quickly get a hold of the situation.

"Hey, hey... You want to know my name right." The light haired boy's head sprung up, a slight shine in his dull eyes appeared, eyebrows slightly raised as he nods his head weakly yet furiously.

"Ok... Well, my name is Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." For a brief second, Taehyung's expression weakened – then quickly forming into an exhausted rectangular smile that he's starting to adore yet hate due to the contrast with the dark rich blood. "T-That.." Taehyung slurred. "Name... I-I recognise... It – the name... soo familiar..." Now whispering, looking at the floor; as if trying to think in such a bad state. And Jungkook let him do this whilst he was changing the tissues on the wounds, less blood coming onto the tissues each time. He'll make sure to disinfect them later.

"Wait a minute..." The frail boy connected their eyes, searching them to find anything. Jungkook didn't know how to react to the silence and Taehyung scanning him, pouting slightly. "Aren't you that Jesus guy?"

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