Chapter 1

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Throats Torn

Naruto Fanfic

Chapter 1

"Shit!" A colorful word is heard throughout the training ground as the four year old boy accidentally cut his hand with the shuriken he had been practicing with. Obsidian eyes rolled as he scolded the child on his language, taking out a roll of bandages and wrapping the wound seeing as it was pretty deep.

"You seriously need to be more careful Naruto." The bright blue eyes of the small child looked up and gave a small pout. "I know Tachi-Nee..." he sighs towards the man now identified as Tachi. He brushed his long black hair over his shoulder as he stood back up from the child's height. "Your aim has gotten much better, already catching up to where I was at your age." he gave a soft, almost inaudible chuckle. Naruto looked up with sheer joy in his eyes, "Really?! I must be pretty good then!" he laughs, not forgetting to give his big bright smile.

Tachi nods and ruffles the golden locks that could rival the sun. "You should go home and rest, I'll bring you food later tonight." Naruto nodded and gave the man a big hug before grabbing his weapons and heading home to his 'family'. If they could still be called that. They refused to feed him, hence why Tachi would bring him a meal every night. Simply to make sure the boy had food to make sure he didn't starve to death.

Naruto walked up the steps up into his home, being as quiet as possible as to not warn anyone of his arrival. He slipped up into his room, pulling off his clothes to leave himself in his underwear and find his way under the thin sheets of his mostly bare bed. Eyes shut, he soon fell asleep just to wake up an hour later to a tapping on his window.

He rolled his small form over to see black and red eyes looking right at him.

Well that's slightly creepy.

He reaches out his small arms and opens the window to let the bigger body through, said man setting a box of food down for the child.

The boy happily started to dig in, keeping quiet as to not let anyone know that they had a guest in the Namikaze residence. The sharingan user sat quietly waiting for the small child to finish before taking the now empty box back and slide it into his bag.

"Make sure to sleep well Naruto-kun." Was his last words before he leapt from the window in which he came. Naruto let out a soft satisfied sigh, laying back into the warm sheets before slipping back into a dreamless sleep.


The next morning Naruto awoke to the smell of breakfast, soon rolling out of bed and slipping on his clothes from yesterday, seeing as they were his only clothes. The boy left his room and headed downstairs, slipping out the front door and heading towards the only place that would feed him without poisoning him, or overcharging. Ichiraku ramen was the place he had in mind, but had been stopped by one of the rather drunk men that had been recently kicked out of one of the many bars.

"AYE! Yo DEmon sHIT!" The drunk man yelled in a rather rough voice, either from the constant crying or the over smoking of cigarettes.

Naruto flinched and immediately turned around to skip breakfast just to make sure he didn't get a beating like last time. Tachi hated when he saw him hurt.. But it wasn't just that man after him anymore, a group had gathered with a few jounin and chunin within the mix. "Come on ya monster, make this easier on us. You're already a murderer. Just let us punish you for your crimes against this village." One of the more level headed chunin had spoken.

Naruto was panicking, running as fast as his tiny legs could go. But it wasn't fast enough, they caught him quite easily and made their way to one of the lesser used training grounds. In a matter of minutes the young boy is nailed to one of the many trees before the clearing. Both hands nailed next to his head with rusty metal, his feet the same since he hadn't had any shoes in the first place.

Tears streamed down his scarred cheeks, biting his tongue to make sure he didn't make a sound. He knew that there were ANBU supposed to be watching over him to ensure his safety but they would simply enjoy the shows they got.

The next move made on the young child was a kitchen knife to his throat, "Scream for me you piece of shit! Or I'll make sure no one will hear you ever again." The older woman's words took a while to sink in, her plunging the knife into his arm to get a reaction out of him.

He let out a painful cry, tears clouding his vision. He had given up on talking, really begging for them to stop. It's been happening for a year now and he's truly lost hope with getting them to stop their mistreatment of him. After the woman was satisfied, she carved the words, "DEMON SCUM" into the child's chest and stomach.

This continued for hours, it becoming late afternoon before they had finished destroying his body. Words were littered over the already scarred flesh, forever to be seen as a sick reminder. They left him unconscious and stuck to the tree, chuckling to themselves about the secret services the boy was forced to abide by when the moon shone over the wretched village.

A small boy slowly stood from the water covered cement, taking a moment to take in his surroundings. "Woah.. Konaha.. I know it doesn't have this big of a sewer.. Maybe i'm not in the village? No.." the boy was trying desperately to find out where he was, jumping when he hears a low growl coming from down the tunnels.

He did what any would and followed the ominous sound, it taking a bit of walking before coming face to face with an enormous cage. As the boy saw movement within the cage, he decided to call out to it. "H-hey.. Who are you?" His voice wavered, hands shaking slightly.

"So, my jailor finally comes to visit me huh?" The booming voice of the creature echoed through the tunnels until it faded completely. "U-umm.. So-sorry... was I supposed to visit you sooner?" Fear evident in his tone.

"That can be determined by you I guess. If you had met me sooner, you'd have someone to talk to other than that Uchiha brat." Blue eyes moved to look right into the deep crimson red of the demons. Naruto gasped, "Your... Your eyes are so pretty!!" He smiled a big smile, a light blush on his cheeks caused by the slightly embarrassing words he couldn't help but say.

The beast went wide eyed, having never been complimented before. "Kit, do you seriously have a death wish?" The blonde deadpanned. "No? But sometimes I can't filter what I say... Anyway, it's not like I was lying." The small boy huffed, crossing his arms. "Anyway, I don't even know who you are or where I am.. Are you the lord of the sewers or something? Wait... Are you secretly the reaper and here to drag me down to hell??!!" The blonde panicked, "I'm too young to die! I haven't become the strongest shinobi yet!!"

The fox sat up on its hind legs and rubbed its temples. "Your in your mindscape. If i was Satan you wouldn't be here and I would have personally burned your soul till you were nothing but ash." He growled out. The blonde sighed in relief, "If you're not satan, then who are you?"

"I'm the Kyuubi no Kitsune."

The boy looked shocked for only a few moments before sighing. "That explains a lot actually.." He looked back up and gave a small smile,

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze."

"But Kyuubi can't be your actual name can it? I mean, it literally means Nine Tailed Fox." The fox huffed slightly but gave a small almost unnoticeable smile.

"You're right, my name is Kurama."

Naruto smiled big, "Thank you for telling me, I know you didn't have to.. But maybe it's possible to be friends.. We will be in each others company for quite some time.. So we should get to know each other. Or say forget it to all that and we just be acquaintances that focus on siphoning off each others chakra."

The fox laughed, "I like the second option. But since you are different, why the hell not." Naruto gave his all too famous grin, "Alright, since i'm in my mindscape, I must have finally passed out.." He sighs. "I need to get home, maybe we can talk on my way home?" The large demon simply nodded his head, his tails swaying behind him. 


That took waaaayyyy too long. But was worth it. Should have another chapter up soon.

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