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A/n: Here's the second one I promised! Merry official late Christmas!

He stood in front of me, and me in front of him. Millions of thoughts filled my head and my face was red, redder than his hair. Why'd I put up the mistletoe?
"(Y/n), put up the mistletoe and put it right here!" Oh, right! Yuzu told me to. Why do I listen to Yuzu?
"Nice weather we're having?" I squeaked out. That sounded stupid. Wait a minute, it's two days after Christmas, so it doesn't count, right?
I grab a nearby chair and Yuya stares at me confused. I hop onto the chair and take down the mistletoe. Afterwards, I put it with the other decorations in the storage closet. Yuya sat there adorably confused.
"Merry late Christmas!" I shout before pecking his cheek and running away.
Yuya blush meter: Full on tomato
A/n: That was suckish and badly written! Lol, well hope you enjoyed this short fluffy one-shot! MCI Out, Peace 😜!

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