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Anna never gets texts from Cheol until there's an emergency. She'd gotten a ride home with Chan, and was currently laying on her back in her bedroom. The chilly comfort of her plush pink sheets eased her head from the stressful day. She tucked a stray strand of curly hair behind her ear nervously. She expected the text to say something like: I can't believe what you did today! Or I FORGOT TO TURN OFF THE STOVE!

This certain text read: Jeonghan is coming home with me, a two hundred is yours if you get the place cleaned in the next twenty minutes.

She gave a last reluctant look at her mattress, love twinkling in her eyes before dashing to the kitchen to clean the dishes in the sink. She had never moved so fast in her life. Two young adults living in a small home made for quite the mess.

She began in the kitchen, then raced to the living room, and lastly went to her brothers bedroom. She saw the look in his eyes when they stared at the other teacher. They may end up in there, were her thoughts. The sexual tension could be cut with a knife.

The second everything was done she heard the door unlocking, and some very flirtatious laughter.

"Jeonghan you have to stop that, you're gonna make me cry-" Seungcheol and Jeonghan bursted through the door in a fit of giggles, arms linked together. They halted on the green carpet by the front door, kicking their shoes off onto a nice little white rack. The door to the room slammed shut, a few scraps of broken wood gliding to the floor.  

"What's so funny?" Anna inquired, crossing her arms at the image before her. She smirked at her brother, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing, just a lame joke Jeonghan was telling."

They make their way to the kitchen slowly, winding throw the wooden, narrow twists and turns of the small apartment, taking at least two lefts and Jeonghan swears nine rights. 

"Excuse me Mr. Choi but my jokes are hilarious! You're just too old to get them."

"I'm only a year older than you, stop calling me old." Seungcheol stripped his coat off and hung it on a high chair at the bar counter they had. Jeonghan, admiring the silver marble of the counters and the polished wood of the cupboards and drawers almost didn't notice the elders strong hands gently peel his jacket off his shoulders. He turned and was awkwardly close to the other, the dim lights of the city beaming in on them from the large window above making the scene even more romantic. Jeonghan blushed down his neck and up to his ear, thanking the based gods that he didn't blush on his more noticeable cheeks.

"As hot as this looks on you, let me hang it up, ok?" Jeonghan did feel hot under Seungcheol's intense stare, but not visually. He felt lusted after at those dark orbs, he felt the need to be touched and it scared him frankly, but he loved it. Seungcheol took the black trench coat and hung it on a golden hook near the door before jogging back to see Jeonghan again. Taking out his phone he pressed the screen a couple of times before some sappy acoustic song peacefully played through the built in speakers up on the ceiling.

He swung his hips jokingly while waltzing around a blatantly confused and amused Jeonghan who, accidentally, had been staring at him the entire time. Jeonghan laughed at the older man dancing like an idiot before he started for the stove.

"Anything you want to eat in particular, Jeonghannie?"

"Are you on the menu?" Jeonghan bit his lip harshly and tightly shut his eyes at the slightly provocative comment. "I mean..."

Seungcheol's full, pink lips turned up into a cocky smirk while he shuffled over to Jeonghan's place by their counter island. Never breaking eye contact with the young teacher he hooked a strong arm around Jeonghan's waist and pulled him in tightly. Hot breath ghosted over Jeonghan's ear when Seungcheol leaned in to whisper: "Maybe later, if you keep your hopes up."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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