12 Days of Christmas- Fariy Tail

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Jason- Hello everyone! Welcome to Sorcerer TV! Where we interview many famous mages and people that are just, SO COOL!😃 Today we will be interviewing the writers of Music Tail and later they will give us a special Christmas themed song with the helped of the famous and number one Fairy Tail, SO COOL!😃 Let's get started by introducing R-

* Intern runs over and whispers in his ear*

Jason- But does it really matter.

*Intern continues to whisper in his ear then, runs off the stage *

Jason- Well in the fear of me getting hurt in a really painful way I will introduce them in the right order this time. So now introducing the creators of Music Tail, Nova and Rocket! SO COOL!😃

Rocket- Thanks for having us and sorry about her earlier. She just can't stand it when my name is first. It makes her feel underpowered. Isn't that right Nova.😀

Nova- Whatever.😒

Jason- SO COOL!😃 So how do you two do it.(hehe) I mean it has to be hard with two people writing stories.

Rocket- Well when we finish with a song/chapter, we choose who's house we are closest to and then start to type it up.🙂

Jason- SO COOL!😃 Do you write them together?

Nova- 😑

Rocket- Yes and no. Yes we decide what we are going to write and how. But no because we do different things like my jobs are to get the songs, pick the lines characters have, and to make sure Nova doesn't put anything too depressing in the end feedback.

Nova- My jobs are to make the stories, correct any mistakes, and to write the end feedback. Also, I check the notifications and how many people read the story.😒

Rocket- Can't you try to be a little more happy?


Jason- SO COOL!😃

Nova- 😑

Jason- You must spend a lot of time together!

Rocket- Yeah well we kind of have too. We are dating that's kind of why we share a username and I let her be first. Right babe. 😘

Nova- ......No......

Rocket- Oh come on can't you just say it this time if you do I promise I will get you are new punching bag.

Nova- Ok fine....we....are....partners.

Rocket- I'll take it!

Jason-SO COOL!😃 I-

Nova- Ok shut up for a minute. Why do you keep saying that?

Rocket- Nova ...

Jason- Saying what? SO COOL!😃?

Nova- Yeah that?

Rocket- Nova no...

Jason- Its just a force of habit SO COOL!😃

Nova- Have you ever got punched just for saying that?

Rocket- Nova please...

Jason- Well I don't think so?

Music Tail [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now