「 one 」

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taehyung stared blankly into his empty glass,

the iridescent lights of the club reflecting off the transparent surface and making the few drops of liquor left at the bottom look like tiny beads of liquid gold. his throat still tingled slightly from the alcohol as he turned his attention to the people in the club, his eyes swiftly moving from the sweaty dancing couples, to the laughing groups of friends, to the extremely attractive male sitting a few feet away from him.

strictly speaking, taehyung had come here to meet a girl, hence him visiting this particular club instead of a gay one, but then again, his friends had said that they weren't going to abandon him so they could get laid, and now he was sitting alone with absolutely no idea of where they were, so maybe it wasn't the best time for technicalities.

besides, taehyung knew a good catch when he saw one, regardless of gender. the guy must have been no older than 20, with large, doe eyes and milky skin. his rosy lips were slightly parted, his cheeks were flushed pink, and his dark hair contrasted perfectly with his pale flesh.

the only problem taehyung saw in him? he was in a straight club, which probably meant that he wasn't up for being fucked by a guy.

then again, he could be bi, or pan, or anything else that meant tae would have a chance at having sex him. so, when the black-haired boy happened to glance his way, taehyung shot him a wink, which was responded to with a light blush spreading across the boy's cheeks.

the next time their eyes met, the black-haired male caught his bottom lip between his teeth, tugging at the pink flesh until it became a more vibrant magenta.

the exchange of glances went on for a while, teasing lip bites and fleeting winks becoming a language of it's own, until the black-haired boy finally shot up from his seat and walked over to taehyung, each stride he took looking effortlessly graceful. (although, to be honest, the guy could have waddled over to him like an overweight penguin in high heels and tae still would have been infatuated.)

the male took a quick glance at him before sitting down and asking the bartender for two drinks, as taehyung slid a $20 note into the other's hand.

the black-haired boy simply raised an eyebrow and handed the note to the bartender as taehyung leaned over, lips hovering over his earlobe. judging from his pink blush, the other could no doubt feel the elder's breath on his skin, and the warm colour on his cheeks only became brighter when taehyung whispered, "keep the change, princess."

met with no reply other than rosy cheeks, taehyung decided to get to know his new friend a little better.

"so, what's your name?" he asked.

"jeongguk, what's yours?"

taehyung smiled. "pretty name, babe. i'm taehyung."

"well, nice to meet you, taehyung." jeongguk finished his drink. "how about some dancing?"

normally, in a situation like this, taehyung would've declined, due to the fact that they were in a straight club, in korea, and if anyone saw two guys dancing like couples, there would be a guarantee of shouting, disgusted looks and a lot of a certain 6-letter word starting with f being thrown around.

however, taehyung had drunk just bit too much alcohol, and was now being offered to dance with one of the hottest guys he had ever seen, so now all logic seemed to have escaped his head.

"sure," he nodded as jeongguk grabbed his hand and lead him to the dance floor.



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