「 three 」

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taehyung's hands were already on the younger's waist

as jeongguk slammed the door shut behind them, biting his lip at the feeling of the brown-haired boy's warm skin against his own. taehyung leant into jeongguk, pushing the younger male against the door and connecting their lips in a rough kiss.

jeongguk groaned as his back came in contact with the hard surface of the door, his spine stinging and his cheeks on fire as taehyung's soft lips merged with his own. the kiss should have felt almost innocent compared to what the pair had done earlier in the night, and yet, the intensity in their actions and the lust in their eyes made it seem so much more sinful. it was as if the devil himself was laced into taehyung's tongue that slipped so easily into the younger's mouth, into his hands that wrapped around his waist and tugged at the seam of his shirt, into his eyes that brushed over jeongguk's body, both in want and in awe.

the kiss was only broken when taehyung pulled the younger's shirt over his head, the thin material of his top pushing his hair back, and letting it fall back onto his forehead in dark, soft strands. taehyung could stare at this boy forever, could become entranced in his dark doe eyes, his rosy, slightly-parted lips, his inky black hair. and yet, the lust that flowed through his veins begged him to do something, to place his hands on the younger's waist and run his fingertips along his body, to connect their lips again in another heated kiss.

before he could do anything, however, jeongguk grabbed his hand and hastily led him upstairs.

jeongguk was quite surprised that they actually made it upstairs and onto his bed in their state of drunken lust, but his thoughts did not linger on it for long - with his soft mattress underneath him and taehyung on top of him, he could only keep his mind on a few things: one, how fucking good it felt to have taehyung sucking at his jawline, two, how completely and utterly hot the brown-haired boy looked on top of him, and three, how his boner was actually becoming quite painful.

however, just when jeongguk tried to speed things up by tugging on the elder's shirt, taehyung bit down hard on his jawline, causing him to let out a shallow moan. jeongguk could feel the older male's smirk travelling up his jaw, his hot breath fanning his ear.

"so you have a thing for pain, huh, babe?" taehyung's low whisper hit jeongguk's eardrum, and he felt heat rising to his cheeks, a result of both the pet name and the mention of his kink.

with no reply other than the bright blush, taehyung decided to have some fun; he slipped off the younger boy's pants and dug his fingernails into his milky thighs, watching with eyes full of lust as jeongguk's eyes fluttered shut and his hips rolled up towards his crotch.

the boy underneath him, however, was not having as much fun. yes, all of this was turning him on, but he didn't need to be turned on; his dick was already painfully hard, and he doubted that taehyung hadn't noticed the small patch of precum on his boxers. he rubbed his legs together, desperate for friction, but the older boy spread his legs apart almost immediately.

"t-taehyung," jeongguk let the name slip from his lips, surprised at how needy he sounded; he had always been too prideful to be the type to whine or beg, but he supposed this was an exception.

much to jeongguk's surprise, taehyung swiftly slipped his boxers off him, smearing the precum along his dick and slowly pumping him. jeongguk gasped at the mere feeling of taehyung's warm hand on his length, pleasure heating his stomach and tingling on his skin. the black-haired boy gripped his soft bedsheets as taehyung pumped him faster, and yet, just as jeongguk moaned out the elder's name, he took his hand away.

the younger male frowned. "what, do you not want me to say your name?" he asked sarcastically, annoyed at the loss of pleasure.

"no," taehyung replied, his lips becoming dangerously close to jeongguk's length. "i want you to scream it."

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