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The later on in the morning, Wade woke up to the sounds of heavy bootsteps through the hall and a voice calling out Alfred's name.

In his arms, sleeping peacefully, was Alfred. She was nestled tenderly against him, her face pressed lightly against his collar bone. He looked down at her, giving a warm smile before moving a piece of her hair from her face. "Good morning, baby doll.."

"Alfred?" Bruce called, her voice louder as she was getting close to Alfred's bedroom.

Wade slowly pulled himself from Alfred, grabbed his stuff and jumped out of her window. He ran a few feet before slipping his mask on and pulling out his teleportation device, which was a gameboy. He pressed the on button and teleported back to his universe.

Bruce knocked on Alfred's door a few times before opening the door and peering her head through. "Alfred?" she called out softly. "Are you awake?"

Alfred moaned a bit, then shot up as if she had a horrible nightmare. Her eyes scanned her bed before she looked at Bruce. "Oh! Good morning, sir!" she said as she threw the covers off of her and began making her way out. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Shall I make you hot cocoa?"

Bruce's eyes looked Alfred up and down as she witnessed her friend's nervous behavior. "Are you alright, Alfred?"

"Of course, Sir! Never better!" She said before looking down. Bruce was dirty and wearing the upper part of her bat suit... but with no pants on. "Sir.."

"Don't judge." Bruce said as she looked at Alfred with a nonchalant expression.

"Far from what I was going to do, sir." replied Alfred.

"Anyways, I don't want anything right now. I kinda had a run in with this walking blob who called himself "Clayface" and let's just say I might need to learn how to bring an extra pair of pantaloons because I tried to spartan kick him but ended up getting sucked into his body and losing my pants afterwards. But I bagged him like a prized monster buck. I'ma blow to my dojo 'cause I am pistol whipped. Goodnight, my tuxedo wearing pasta dish." Bruce gave a sly smirk before strutting to her room.

Alfred' eyes widened as she watched her liege strut pantless to her room before letting out a deep yawn.  Walking back to her bed, she bit the bottom of her lip as she thought about him. The mercenary whom held her all night. "What on earth am I doing?" she asked herself.

2:00 PM: Downtown Gotham city.

She waited, sitting on a rooftop, she waited. A cuban cigar tucked between her painted lips and a machine gun hanging from her hip. She scanned the area, waiting for a goon who called himself "Hellfire". Word around the streets was that he used to be one of the Joker's head honchos, and that he worked side by side with Oswald. She puffed her cigar a few timed before she caught the glimpse of a black caravan parking near a warehouse. She knew a drug deal was being made there, and that is where she would meet the man who would give her answers. Answers she so desperately needed.

"So ya got the shit or what?" asked the buyer as he pulled out his pistol. Two other men stood on each side of him, pulling out their weapons.

"Look, I've got all 10 lbs of coke in the trunk like I promised. No need to get hasty, fellas." The hooded dealer said as he opened the trunk and revealed a sign that read "Psych!" he grabbed two hand held machine guns and began shooting the goons. "Awh shit!" He shouted as he was surprised by a random chick landing in front of him out of nowhere, wearing a feminine tuxedo, weilding a machinegun and a gangster hat.

"Hello.." she greeted in a subtle tone. "Hellfire, am I correct?"

He lifted a brow at the dark skinned, British accent speaking lady in mauve in front of him. "What's it to you, lass?" he replied, sporting a heavy irish accent.

"Cobblepot. Oswald Cobblepot. I've heard that you worked with him when he worked the underground as a kingpin. You've heard of his.. misfortune?"

Hellfire gave a snark smile before looking away. "Too fuckin' young. He had his whole life to look forward to." He seemed disturbed by Oswald's death, and it relieved Alfred.

"I am looking for his killer, Harley Quinn. Do you know where she is?" she asked, taking the cigar out of her mouth and putting it out on his gun.

He lifted a brow, then smirked. "God honest truth, I have no idea. Joker and the crazy bitch left the fuckin' country."

Alfred shook her head as she clenched her jaw tightly. "Left the country? When?"

"The night Oswald died.." he replied, smoothing his hand over his firey red locks.

"Shit..!" Alfred turned around then punched a box crate.

"Why are you so interested in Oswald's death? He didn't mention anything about women working for him in the underground." Hellfire said, holstering his guns in the process.

"Oswald wasn't my boss, he was a friend. A really good friend. And his death was in vain and I am going to redeem it!"

Hellfire watched on, curiosity filled him. "What's your name, sweetcheeks?"

She turned around and gave him a hard look before smirking. "Mafia.. call me Mafia.."

"Well Mafia, I wish I can help you further, but I've got no answers and I don't know of anyone who does. Anyone who works closely with the Joker left with him, and all who were outside of his circle... never lived to fuck up another day."

Mafia nodded slowly. "That was very poetic, my good man." she said before making her way out of the building. "If you find anything, keep in-" she stopped mid sentence when she heard what sounded like a blade going through flesh. She turned around and saw Deadpool standing over Hellfire's decapitated body. "Oops. Well, at least you won't be getting anymore headaches."

"What the bloody hell are you doing, Deadpool?!" she shouted, anger rising withing her.

"What? He was lying to you so I did something about it." he replied, posing all sexy. "That's what mutated, cancerous husbands do, baby."

"Lying?! How do you know he was lying?"

"Loving the vigilanti name, by the way. 'Mafia'. Really rolls off of the-"

"Wade Wilson I am this close" she didn't know what to say to him. She can't kill him for obvious and hidden reasons, she can't torture him for she isn't that type of woman. So she sighed hard. "You have ten seconds to explain why do you think he is lying to me."

"Well baby doll. I have been following you, following him. When you're not following him and I'm not following you, I follow him. Are you following me?"

Alfred lifted a brow.

"Good. So, because it's my job to watch over you, slash, stalk you, I wanted to make sure that all is legit with this asshole. The clown and the clownette didn't leave the country. City maybe, but country? Nay."

"Where are they, Wade?" she asked, walking to him and grabbing his suit.

"That's the boner killer there, Alf. I don't know. But for you, I can find out." He said, giving her a serious look.

"I want Harley Quinn dead! She deserves to be killed for what she did to Oswald!" Alfred shouted, turning away from Deadpool as she did. "Find them and come to me once you do... I want to take care of the clown girl myself." She said, her voice harsh and cold.

"Ooohooo! I love it when you become a mindless vengeance machine. Alrighty. Finding them I shall." he winked before he pulled out his gameboy and teleported away.

Alfred kicked a random can before walking out of the building and into the back alleyways of the city. She made it back to the manor and flopped onto her bed with a moan.

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