Emilia Rose Kelly

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Quick AN: I do NOT own Harry Potter, this is only based off of it. I own Emilia and her family and backstory. That's it. Thank you for understanding.

Emilia Rose Kelly was born on October 24, 1978, in Carlingford, Ireland. She grew into a very beautiful girl, with a height of 5'8", and beautiful violet/red eyes. She had very long, very curly onyx colored hair that rolled down her back, all the way to her waist. She had full, luscious lips, and slight curves in all the right places. This gave her the look of healthy, and beautiful. Inside, however, she was far from healthy and beautiful. Emilia was born with a learning disorder known as dyslexia. Dyslexia made it very hard for her to read and write, for it would make a 'd' look like a 'b', or a 'm' look like a 'w'.

In muggle primary school, this caused lots of bullying. This bullying actually started from the person you would think would have protected her, her sister, Kathryn Rachel Kelly. Kathryn was two years older than Emilia, and had to live through her mother giving Emilia a tiny bit more attention. Kathryn, the attention whore she is, decided to take matters into her own hands. This left Emilia friendless and lonely.

Their father, Jacob Kelly, found about Emilia's situation, but did not help matters at all; in fact, he made them worse. Jacob started abusing Emilia. When Emilia's mother, Jenna learned of the bullying and abuse, she started arguing with Jacob. The two then started having marital problems.

This causes a divorce. By now Emilia is seven, and is being fought over, custody wise. Jenna wanted full custody over both children, while Jacob wanted one (preferably Emilia). In court, Jacob won, and Emilia was primarily with Jacob. Every other weekend, she stayed with Jenna, however.

Emilia was traumatized from the abuse, and from her parents divorce.  This caused the formation of anxiety of coming home, her dyslexia worsened, and she became slightly depressed.  Her sister was held back in school a year, so for most years Kathryn and Emilia were in the same school, and when they weren't, other children would still bully Emilia. 

For years she lived in the shadow of her perfect sister, in both her parents eyes, was bullied because she was different, and was abused by a coward who did not deserve to be called her father.  This, however, is when things get a little strange.

Kathryn and her posse, Cassidy Korr and Melanie Porters, were ruthlessly bullying and belittling Emilia.  That wasn't unusual, especially when some of the boys saw, and worshipped the ground Kathryn stood on.  These boys, Joseph Arine and Tyler Murphy, came over, and started kicking poor little Emilia.  A large crowd gathered, and Emilia wondered how a teacher hadn't seen.  She stood up, bloody nose and all, and punched Tyler in the face.  But when this happens normally, someone may fall backwards, or step back.  But Tyler went flying through the crowd, and fell 50 feet away from Emilia. 

The teachers asked the students what happened, and all they did was point at Emilia.  Emilia got into lots of trouble, both in school, and with both parents.  Her mother grounded her, thinking she could've hurt her precious Kathryn, while she got many terrible beatings from Jacob. 

Years passed, and no good thing ever came Emilia's way.  She constantly struggled with doing her homework, and failed most tests, her sister would make fun of her, and never got in trouble; her mother thought she was a mistake, and her father abused her. That all changed on July 8, 1990, when, at her mother's house, Emilia got a letter.  Emilia never got letters.  She told her mother, who said it must have been for Kathryn.  But when Jenna saw the address, she stopped dead. 

Ms. Emilia Kelly

The Tiny Couch in the Basement

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