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Quick AN: I do NOT own Harry Potter, this is only based off of it. I own Emilia and her family and backstory. That's it. Thank you for understanding.

Emilia's PoV

The next day Mrs. Weasley took me to out to a few Muggle clothing stores to get me some normal clothes.  It was very nice of her to spend some of the very little money they have, on me.  Ginny was also very nice, in letting me borrow some of her clothes.  Only problem: they are VERY girly.  Like, super girly.  Fred and George keep making fun of me because of them. 

Days after I got here, Harry Potter, a good friend of mine, showed up.  Fred and George told me all about his fat cousin, Dudley, falling for the "Drop-sweets-on-the-floor-and-wait-for-fat-children-to-eat-it" trick.  I wish I could have been there.

So a day or two after Harry arrived, Mrs. Weasley woke Ginny and I up bright and early. "Go down to breakfast. You can get changed afterward," she whispered as she walked over to Ginny.

"Ok," I replied with a yawn. I pushed the covers off, looking down at what I slept in. A black sports bra (cause when you have as big of boobs as I do, you need constant support), black booty shorts, and the violet necklace Cho bought me last Christmas.

I threw on a teal tank top, and headed downstairs for breakfast. 

As I was eating my eggs, a puff of smoke came from the fireplace in the living room.  Mr. Weasley and one of my best friends, Hermione Granger, fell into the room.  "Hermione!" I exclaimed.  "I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Emilia?  What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys, and staying here for the rest of the summer," I replied.  "What about you?"

"I am too!" She threw her arms around me, in a hug.  I wrapped my arms around her torso, and squeezed. 

"Oh, hello Hermione, dear" Mrs. Weasley said, as she brought more pancakes to the table.

"And where are the boys?  I woke them up ten minutes ago.  Hermione, can you go get Harry and Ron, while Emilia, can you wake Fred and George."

"Mrs. Weasley, I will wake Fred and George, if you can give me two buckets, and lots of eggs."  Mrs. Weasley just chuckled, and replied, "In the kitchen you can take the rest of the eggs.  Not a lot of the kids eat them, so I think we have enough.  And under the counter, in the cabinets, you can take two pots."

Running to the kitchen, I yelled a quick, "Thank you!"  I grabbed two pots, and found at least two dozen eggs in the kitchen.  Laughing silently to myself, I cracked twelve eggs into each pot, and took them into Fred and George's room.  I looked around their room, and noticed that their beds were really close together.  I walked to the head of their beds, and poured the eggs on their heads.

I dropped the pots and ran out of their room, before they even knew what happened. I ran back downstairs, and sat down, as "EMILIA!" ran through the house.  The Weasley Twins thundered down the stairs, and I just sat there like nothing happened.  I looked up from my eggs, and noticed a tired Harry and Ron sitting there, along with Hermione, Ginny, and Mr. Weasley.  "Good morning, guys." 

I noticed Ron staring at me, more so my chest. "Eyes up, Ronald." He blushed and looked down at his plate.

"Emilia!" Fred yelled, egg white dripping onto the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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