Chapter Two

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Last edited: 4/10/17



We made it in class just before the bell rang. Ms. Lloyd, the math teacher, eyes me and Ashley. She never really liked me, but there's not much she could do. She's had me every year and she's definitely not happy about it. I'm not either, but you don't see me being salty about it.

"What?" I asked, squinting my eyes at her, "we made it before the bell rang, stop looking at me as if I just killed 7 people."

She opened her mouth slightly in shock, not expecting my sassy remark, "Go to your seat. Right now, Ms. Venus."

"Sure thing, Ms. Meghan," I said back, calling her by her first name. She sighs through her nose as I sent her an innocent smile whilst I walk to my chair.

Ally smiles at me and hands me a hot beverage cup, I sent her a thankful smile, knowing she had brought hot chocolate for me. Hot chocolate cures all the trouble in the world.

I took my seat beside Ally and watched the situation in front of me unfold. Ms. Lloyd just staring intently at Ashley, obviously making her uncomfortable. Jesus Christ, what is wrong with that woman? Doesn't she know that staring is rude?

"You must be Ashley," Ms. Lloyd said sweetly. Cut the shit, Lloyd, she already saw that you're actually the spawn of Satan. Ashley slowly nodded her head, as if she was afraid of Ms. Lloyd, "You can pick any seat you'd like."

I expected Ashley to take the seat beside me, but she walked to the back beside another unfamiliar face. He must be new as well. He kind of had the same features as Ashley, so he's probably her brother.

"He's cute," Ally mumbles beside me, looking at what I was looking at.

"He's alright, Dean is cuter," I joked, Ally giggles and rolls her eyes.

We turned back towards Ms. Lloyd as she starts her lecture. I looked at the board as she wrote down things she was dictating. I was, already, confused. It was, like, she was writing a different language and talking in gibberish. Honestly, I was good at math until they added letters.

My gaze averted to the other side of the room, where Dean sat. He was already staring at me and I blushed, smiling at him. He knew I hated it when people stared at me, it's so annoying when he does it. I try to hide behind my hair as Dean waved at me, I waved back and chuckled nervously.

"Venus, Dean!" Ms. Lloyd calls out, our heads snapping towards the angry old lady, "There's a reason you two sit across the room from each other. Pay attention to the board!"

"Oooh!" The classroom chants together.

I blush and sink into my seat, hating the unwanted attention. It's weird, honestly. Outside of classrooms, I'd be as loud as I possibly can and draw as much attention to myself and not care. But, the moment someone that I didn't talk to, just so glances at me in a classroom. I hate it. I just want nothing, but to disappear.

Ally scoffs beside me and I shoot her a glare. She throws her hands up in surrender and I roll my eyes at her and look away.

Class ended before I knew it. Ally packs her stuff as quickly as she could and dashes out of the class room, her class being all the way across the campus. I look towards the back and found Ashley talking to the other new boy as she packed her stuff.

I walked towards her and she perked up and smiled at me, "Hey, Venus."

"Hey," I said back, glancing at the boy sitting beside her. He really was a fine specimen.

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