Chapter 1

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This Dream is Actually way to Vivid for me .-. It's Crazy ! I don't know the boy I'm in a relationship name. In the dream I call him Fat. I heard his name once it's either Noah or Nathan. I don't know. I'm just going to call him Noah. I'm changing the years to make it more realistic/ but my age will change. Bare with me as I try to recall the whole dream.

Chapter 1.

I sat on the edge of the bed in panic.

This could not be happening to me.

Inside of my head, I was screaming. I wasn't ready for this at all.

This was the only conclusion to me.

I look down at the Pregnancy test box.

My life is over if this is true, I thought to myself.

I was still in college for fucks sake.

Just go take the test, I thought to myself as I opened the pregnancy test box and read the direction.

What should be a moment you would be experiencing with your Boyfriend, or sister, or even your best friend ; I was doing alone.

Panicking all alone and scared shitless. I'm only 19.

I left the room , peeking my head out to make sure the hallway was clear.

Last time I checked I was home alone anyways.

I crossed the hall to my bathroom and lock the bathroom behind me, lying my back against the door, I tried to compose my self and just be optimistic.

I am not pregnant, maybe just four or five days late, I told myself.

I had bought two pregnancy test , so one couldn't lie to me. I bought a digital one and a line one.

"Lord, You know I'm not ready right ?" I said , clasping my hands together and looking to the ceiling.

I pee'd on both of the sticks and put the cap back on them and washed my hands as I waited the five to ten minutes.

I set my phone timer.

I sat on the toilet seat practically shitting myself as I waited.

I was almost done with school, maybe I could do this after all. Bitch don't lie to yourself ! You ain't ready for none of this, I mentally screamed at myself.

My Family is going to Kill me.

Both of My Brothers are going to Kill Noah.

My sister is going to laugh, then kill me and My mum? Lord, I should just buy my casket now !

How am I going to raise a child?

My nephew Irving was a different story, when I was eleven I didn't even have to do much when my he was a baby. All I did was change his diaper and feed him and I didn't start doing that till he was 4 months old and really didn't start baby sitting until he was 8 months.

My nephews Elijah and Jamari it's the same case.

I can't see myself pushing out a baby.

I was going to adopt for gosh sakes.

That was the plan since I was fifteen, and everyone who knew me knew I wanted to adopt.

The wait for the test was fucking scary.

When my phone timer went off, I hesitated to turn both of the test over.

I closed my eyes and turned them over.

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