Hello Potter - Prolouge

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Fuckin Drarry bitches!! This is my new otp, like srsly, this ship is so good I think I might die if it doesn't sail...... Anywhore, ON WITH THE CHAPTER MORTALS!!!! btw, lots of going from one pov to 3rd pov.

Draco's PoV

'I cannot believe mother left me here over the summer with no one to talk to other than Potter.... I swear this cannot get any worse....'

As I walked up the stairs and out of the dungeon I noticed a difference in the castle when there are no other students here. Everything is eerily quiet and its quite annoying when alone in the halls. Actually make that terrifying, I can't believe I'm still afraid of things that are to quiet.... But I guess that is expected of someone with recently formed PTSD....

I walk around making as much noise as I can without alerting the teachers and/or Potter. I wonder if Potter would be willing to chat..... No, no, no, I won't lower myself enough to resort to that..... Though it would be nice to talk to another person....

With out noticing Draco had started climbing up the stairs and as he walked on the colors got more vibrant and went to mainly gold and red as he came to a stop in front of a well dressed woman in an ornate picture frame.

"What's the password?"

"Um, I was actually wondering if I could talk to Potter? Is he in?"

"Yes he is, hasn't left in a week, poor boy has had a rough time these last few years."

"Well could you let me in?"

"I suppose I could, but only this once and because you two are the only students in the castle."(The painting low key ships it XD)

"Thank you miss."

"Your quite welcome sir."

As I crawled into the portrait hole I notice a shimmering at the end of the corridor and when I crawled into the common room I am nearly blinded by the brightness of the room, especially when the sun streams through the windows to just bounce off something golden and shiny.

As I walk in I notice, just barely, a tuft of raven hair sticking up from an arm chair facing away from the portrait hole. I walk up behind it and clear my throat, obviously startling Potter. He whips around out of his seat and raises his wand to me with a spell already on the tip of his tongue, probably an unforgivable no doubt, or stupify, that seems to be one of his favorites.

"What are you doing in here Malfoy?!"

"Please, Malfoy was my father, call me Draco."

"Alright, what are you doing in here Draco?"

"I asked the picture to let me in."

"And she let you?! Did you hide the Slytherin crest on your robes and make it a Ravenclaw or something like that?"

"No, she saw the crest and she said because we're the only two students here that it would be ok."

"Well I don't want you here."

"Oh please Potter, if I wasn't so utterly bored and about to kill myself for entertainment I wouldn't be up here."

*sigh*"Fine then, have a seat if you like."

"Well I would but I'd rather explore the Gryffindor dorms, only gonna be in here once you know."

"Fine, I'll show you around, just don't touch anything, you can't know what people have put curses or hexes on up here."

"Oh really, and why is that?"

"We pull pranks..... a lot."

"Ah, I see now, and how many pranks have you pulled Golden Boy?'

"I lost count in our second year I'm afraid to say. That's actually around when people started to put spells on their things so only they could touch them or use magic on them...."

"So the Golden Boy is actually a little bad, who would've thought that to be true."

"I don't know, but lets get on with it then, this is the common room."

"It's very bright in here, don't you think?"

"Well I quite fancy it. The girls dorms are to the right and boys to the left, and the bath is below us."

"Alright, could we go up to the dorms then?"

"Sure, but it's really messy up there."

"I'm sure I can handle it."

"Alright then."

Harry's PoV

In the dorm~

"Draco, Draco are you ok?"

"Yes I'm perfectly fine thank you, I'm just neatening up a few things."

"Just don't touch my stuff please."

"I think I already have..."

"What are you talking about?"

I walked over to my bed and sure enough Draco was already on his hands and knees cleaning under my bed.

"Harry, what is this box down here?"

"Which color is it?"

"It's the emerald green one, it's actually the only green one...."

"That's sentimental pictures of my family, don't touch it please."

'That was way to close..... I have to come up with a better excuse next time or else someone might ask to open the box and have a look at my "family" and then my secret'll be out for good.'

"Ok, I won't, and the other three boxes?"

"My belongings from my old home."

"Are they sentimental to, is that why you keep them under your bed?"

"No, I keep them there so that I don't see them in my trunk every day."

"Sorry but I don't quite understand."

"My childhood was crappy and I can't bring myself to burn the only things I ever received from the only family I had back then."

"Oh, is that why you've been in here for a week strait?"

"How did you know that?"

"The painting told me."

"Yes and no, I just don't have anywhere to be really."

"What about food, I never see you in the great hall for meals."

"I eat up here, I just accio food up here from the great hall."

"Mind if I join you from now on?"

"For meals?"

"Yea, we're the only ones here, only we would know, and if the professors did find out I don't think they would tell the other students, there's no gain for them to do such a thing, so, a truce for the summer?"

"A truce for the summer it is..."

Welp, I'm done with this first chapter, when should I have smuts, chapter three maybe courtesy of a time skip or five. Anywhore, I hope y'all enjoyed this gut wrenchingly cringey chapter, and as always, READ ON MORTALS!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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