Rin x Yukio smut

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(WARNING!!! IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 THEN I RECOMMEND NOT READING THIS...(although it doesn't stop me ;D) THIS IS BOYXBOY!!! MEANING IT WILL HAVE TWO BOYS HAVING HOT HARCORE SEX. ITS ALSO INCEST! WHICH IS...you know what just google the damn thing. Enjoy my little brotato chips!)

(Narrator POV)

It was a crisp Autumn afternoon, with a cool breeze, just enough to send a delightful shiver down your spine. Thankfully it was a Saturday so Rin Okumera was thankful that he didn't have to get up out of bed early to go to school. Although Yukio Okumura was already awake because he had to prepare for important event planned... one that he secretly enjoyed even though in his mind he scolded himself for doing so...he shouldn't enjoy it. It was mandatory... although for poor Rin Okumura, who was still delightfully sleeping in his bed, did not know of the events planned for today.

(Yukio POV)

'Alright so if I add this....take away this...subtract negitve 8x...then I'm left with-' BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!
I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts as I heard a beeping coming from my left. Its my alarm...'why would my alarm-'
"Oh my gosh! Today is Runs check up! I have to wake him up!" I totally forgot! I was to busy with my homework I forgot it was even today. I stood up and collected homework and headed for me and Rin's bedroom to wake him up. As I walk down the hallway I feel a weird feeling in my chest. 'Why do I feel exited? Its just a check up to make sure Rin's demon traits won't effect him harmfully... Like his tail...that tail that always seems to wrap around those beautiful hips...pushing his shirt up to reveal that milky white skin... How its so smooth and- HOLD ON! WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THIS? RIN IS MY BROTHER!...so why do I feel exited over a check up?' I quickly brushed off those horrid thoughts as I arrive at my bedroom door. I slide the door open and close it behind me. As I make my way to the  bedroom,a sinful yet tempting thought pops in my head...

(Rin's POV)

'Hmm?....where am I?'...I'm lying on what feels like a floor, but I can't be sure because I can't see anything! Its pitch black... "Riiin~"...I hear a familiar voice call out to me...it sounds so beautiful... Is that..." Yukio, is that you?" I call out to the voice and frantically look around hoping to see him in the blackness. Suddenly he emerges from behind me. "Yukio! Where are we Yukio?! What is this place-" he silences me by tracing his thumb over my lower lip..."Yukio?"...no response... It's noe that I realize how close our faces are to each other. Our lip our only a couple inches apart...I can feel his breath on my lips as he moves a little closer... 'This is wrong! He's my brother! We shouldn't be doing this!' A part of me screamed at me...but I was to lost to care. All I wanted was him. I completely forgot about the black void surrounding us. I forgot about the sin that we are about to commit...so I reached up and weakly grabbed a fist full of his hair and closed the small distance between our lips. As I did so there was only one thing going through my mind...'I think I'm in love with my brother!"

(Yukio's POV)

As I enter our bedroom I see Rin soundly sleeping. And I can't help but think...'he's so beautiful'...I walk up to the bed and say his name. "Riiin~"... No response...a price of hair falls over his eye, so I brush it away. He looks so peaceful... I can't help but stare...at his eyes, his ears, his nose.....his lips...I slowly brush my thumb over his bottom lip...'slightly chapped...they're so soft and warm...NO! This is so wrong'.....but I don't stop...its now that I realize that our lips are only mere inches from each other...'maybe just a peck won't hurt'....but before I could do anything I suddenly feel him grip my hair and pull me down. When out lips connect I feel a spark rush down my spine...'soft...wait...is he awake?!' I immediately pull back and look at him...no response... 'Maybe he did it in his sleep. Enough of this, I need to wake him up now.'
I shake his arm and call his name, " hey, Rin...wake up"... He starts to groan and his eyes flutter open...as they do I hear one thing run through my mind over and over again,..'I'm in love with my brother...'

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