Chapter 16: Through the Trapdoor

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Notes: Okay, second last chapter for this fic, and then the work begins for book 2. Enjoy!


On the first of April, Harry, Neville, Draco, and Hermione organised a small birthday party for the twins. They commandeered an abandoned classroom (since they couldn't invite Fred and George's friends to the Room of Requirement), and asked the house-elves to provide some food. Needless to say, the party was a huge success, and the twins were given more Zonkos products than was probably wise, since the next two weeks were filled with pranks. Said pranks were only able to be signed by Fred and George, since the Marauders' Recruits' identities weren't known. Therefore, they had even more fun planning "revenge pranks", as though the Weasley twins were in a prank battle against the mysterious group.

The exams were, to say the least, gruelling. They took place in the first week of June, which was unfortunate, because Draco's birthday was on the fifth. They'd planned a small get together in the Room on that day right after their Potions exam. Harry half-expected Voldemort to come bursting through the door of one of their exams, heading straight for him. The week slowly passed, and nothing of this sort happened. Instead, they had drama-free written exams for all their subjects, for which they were given quills equipped with Anti-Cheating spells, and for Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, and Defence, they had practical exams. In Charms, they had to make a pineapple tap dance across the desk, and points were awarded for spell proficiency and dance moves; in Transfiguration, they made mice into snuff-boxes-in this, points were given for how pretty the snuff-box was, but taken away if they had whiskers; in Potions, they had to try to remember how to make a Forgetfulness Potion while Snape breathed down their necks; in Defence, they had to succesfully cast the Protego Charm, and a barrage of painless spells, going up in power, were fired to see how efficient it was.

On top of their exams, it was swelteringly hot in the classrooms where they were held. Everyone learnt very quickly not to wear anything longer than necessary, even though they still had to wear some type of uniform. That was part of the reason why, on the fifth, they decided to ask the Room to be a frozen pond. They spent the remainder of Draco's birthday ice skating, then having an impromptu snowball free-for-all fight.

Finally, their last exam, History of Magic, was over. "If I never have to do another History exam, it'll be too soon," groaned Draco, stretching out on the grass they'd laid themselves on. It was close to the lake, where Fred, George, and Lee were standing on the edge of the lake, tickling the Giant Squid's tentacles as it basked in the sunlight.

"I'm with you there," said Harry, lying down next to him and staring up at the sky.

"Oh cheer up, you lot," Neville sighed. "No more revision, not for ages. We don't find out how badly we did 'til next week, so don't panic until then. We can't do anything to change it."

"Speak for yourself," stated Hermione, "I don't know if I got that second last question right on Uddred the Unfaithful."

"Oh, that was a horribly-written question, but you're you," said Draco, "you're sure to get every single question right, and snatch the title of Best in Our Year from me."

Hermione pushed his shoulder lightly from where she was sitting.

"Hey, little cubs. How was your last exam?" asked George as he and Fred swaggered over.



Harry changed the subject. "Did anyone ever find out what a Cerberus' weakness is?"

They all shook their heads. "Why do you ask, Harry?" questioned Hermione.

"I don't know. Something just doesn't add up. It's been bothering me a bit lately, but..."

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