Who's that there smashing all my glass?

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He could see them, hear them, practically smell them as the shadows moved across the closed curtains. At first he thought there was only one, happily babbling away to herself as she cut and stuck and strung up twine, but after further listening he picked a deeper, more serious voice, that did lighten on occasion to the point of laughing. But the main one, excited and focused, was who he had been sent to look for. 

He didn't know how this could have happened. They'd been trying so hard for hundreds, thousands of years, and now they were all in even more danger from people like this premature girl?

He moved closer to the house, reaching the white picket fence and hid in the shadow of a tree that stood nearby, the voices clearer now. 

"...That's so creepy! Where did you hear of that type?" That was the main girl. The words however, caught his attention the most. Had they discovered another one? He begged for them not to. Another discovery would lead to the techniques of how to destroy it and then if they have similar species and it goes on and on. This one and her friend were of a particular danger because they didn't just study every known one, but created there own which almost always happened to be real and correct. He didn't know how they did it, but the Higher Lords were worried they had let it linger too long. If any more information got out, they would be forced to struggle even more than they already were. He listened in again. 
"I didn't hear it from anywhere, it just seems possible. Have we really ever heard of artistic types? They're too rare, but what if there are more? Obviously there's the typical ones that draw and paint in their victims' blood, and others that turn peoples skins into lovely tapestries and such, but you never think of this less gruesome type." 

This friend was a worry. She never did research, but used logic, sense and her imagination to create the concepts and answers on her own, but could only do it basing it off something else. That's why he had been sent to destroy everything. They couldn't erase their minds just yet, (the mind erasing species had been hired out completely for at least another week), but he could at least get to the main information first.

"Well duh! They turn the actual deaths into art, not the way to get to the death." The main girl, an Italian extrovert of strange social standards, was the main concern however because of her passion for the information. 
"But why not? Tracking could be just as beautiful as anything else." 
"As beautiful as turning someone's skin into a tapestry?" the main girl said in disgust. 
"Well maybe not quite but with the right skills it could be close." the friend said optimistically, and there was silence as he presumed his main target glared at her friend in disgust. 

They soon went back to their work, and he could see through a crack in the curtain that they're knowledge was quite extensive. The whole wall on one side was almost completely covered in movie-style investigation notes and strings and pictures pinned up, many of them being very detailed drawings done by the two girls. It was almost a shame he had to destroy it all. It was quite impressive. 

He waited only an hour longer, before the mother called them. They were going out for dinner, and hopefully wouldn't be back for a long while. 

Too close, dear children. Too. Close.Where stories live. Discover now