Crashing quickly.

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When Octavia woke up next it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon. She was woken by Beck again.

 "Rise and shine Shrek. Breakfast time."

Octavia groaned, but unfortunately was dragged out of bed despite her non-verbal protests.
The kitchens were huge, and many mutants, demons, mages, Wicca's, and humans were moving around. Beck and Tove knew most of them, but it was apparent everyone was in a hurry. Corso, Kane and Vihaan were already sitting at a large wooden table away from the kitchen areas. It looked again like somewhere in a shopping place, with the kitchen and dining area similar to a food court.

 Beck ate her usual Weet-Bix. Tove fried some eggs. And Octavia went for the coffee.

But there was none.

 "Hey Beck, where's the coffee?" she asked, rummaging through another cupboard while reaching around a thin bug-looking man.

"There is none." Corso groaned.

 Octavia paused. Then she turned, then she blinked. Then she asked, "What!?"

"Most species of demon or otherwise other-natural humanoids react badly to coffee, when in liquid form. They do not, however, react when they remain as beans or ground powder." Vihaan answered, and Octavia noticed he didn't have breakfast in front of him.

 "But what about the humans!?" She asked.

"You mean the whole 12% of this societies population?" Beck asked sarcastically with a smile.

"You can get it above-ground later. Just don't put it near me."

Of course!

 Beck had been one of the weirdest people Octavia knew because she had avoided coffee drink like it was the plague, but happily ate coffee beans. It hadn't made any sense until now.

Octavia still whined at the news.

 "Don't worry, you're not the only one who misses it." Tove said while scraping her eggs onto a plate. "I've just grown used to it."

So Octavia resorted to toast.

The next shocking and teenage-girl wrecking thing was the lack of make-up.

 "What!? What do you mean no makeup?" Octavia screeched, after she'd been searching her whole room for a single stick of mascara.

 "It's a waste of time, effort and resources. We only keep the basics here at Central. You'll just have to go without." Beck said with a casual smile, clearly enjoying this.

"Can't I just quickly go above ground and grab some?" She screeched. Tove laughed from where she was sitting on Octavia's bed.

 "Oh I'm Uluru has a Priceline somewhere." She said.



It was then that Octavia discovered why their trip had taken so long. The Carriers moved at more than 300 kilometers an hour and had taken them right to the red center.

 "We've been using Uluru for generations with the Aboriginals permission. Some of the spiritual leaders were reluctant but then realized they fell under the category that needed to use the facilities anyway. They were in danger of ridicule and worse. Their people in general goes through social attack, and it would be worse for those with supernatural powers." Tove explained.

"We're still deep beneath the rock, but it acts as a beacon to protect our activity beneath." Beck said, casually picking at some paint on the door frame.

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