Cabin in the Woods

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I wake up in a cold sweat, still in my bra and thong. I'm strapped to a table. I can't move, at all. From what I can see we're in some sort of cabin.

I hear him humming what sounds like The Beatles.

"Ah, Detective Benson, you're awake." He says happily. "Did you have a nice nap? You were out for a rather long time."

"It's Detective Stabler." I growl, thinking about everything that Huang said.

"Naughty, naughty, naughty..." He trills, "What was little Olivia thinking?"

I cringe as he moves closer.

"We can't very well be together if you're married to another man and pregnant with his child." He says, "Somebody wasn't thinking straight."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I snarl at him.

"A models face and body with a sailor's vocabulary..." He sneers.

He disappears from my line of vision

"Now why on earth would you have gone out and married that barbaric, hostile, pitiful, excuse for a man?" He says "I'm going to have to rid your body of that barbarian's child before you can really be mine." He says waving at my stomach.

He steps towards me with a knife. I have to stall him for he does something to me.

"Why on Earth are you talking about me being pregnant?' I ask, " Does this look like the body of a pregnant woman?"

"You see my darling, I've been watching you for months." He says with a sick smile, "You've been having unprotected sex with your sorry excuse for a husband for more than five weeks."

"That doesn't mean I'm pregnant." I argue back

"While you were unconscious I did a little investigating, because, I suspected that you might be pregnant."

I cringe when he says that. What the hell does he mean by that? Did he touch me?

"You're a man of many talents but you're no doctor." I say carefully.

He places his hand just below my belly button.

"There's always a sure-fire way to tell." He says with a grin. "You see, if I press down on this exact spot, you'll be in a grave amount of pain, because there's a small, hard mass. And that is the fetus growing inside of your womb."

I start to panic. What if I am pregnant? I very well could be. I wasn't on birth control and we hadn't used a single condom.

He presses down on my stomach and I cry out.

"That should teach you not to question me." He snarls.

"Before I have my way with you, lets get that thing out of you." He says.

"Please..." I beg, "Please, don't do that. Please don't kill my baby."

Tears roll down my cheeks and he smiles sweetly.

"Oh honey, one day you'll thank me." He says.

"Please..." I say, "I love this baby already. This baby is a part of me, don't do this to me, you don't want to hurt me, do you?"

"Olivia, after I rid you of his child, we can have our own." He says, "Don't you want that?'

"But I already have a baby, this baby is growing inside of me. It's my son or daughter." I say, weeping.

"I will not raise that bastards child with you!" He rages.

"You don't have to," I reassure him, "As soon as the baby's born we can get rid of it, we can leave him with Elliot."

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