|Chapter 13|

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Rachel's pov:
I slowly open my eyes, and quickly closed them because of the shinning light of the sun outside. I should get thicker curtains to shut out the sun in the morning. My stomach grumbles of hunger, so I decide to stand up to go to the kitchen. But when I try to move, two strong arms were holding on to me. I quickly panicked for a moment, and thought back to last night.
All I remembered was kissing Finn because I was upset that he was upset and the fact that he was confessing his love for me. Then after that it was blank. I turn around and Finn was sleeping soundly. Then I noticed he didn't have a shirt on. Strange. I look down at myself and noticed that all I had on was my underwear. Oh no, oh no, oh no!!

"Finn," I say shaking him awake. He opens his eyes but closes them quickly because of the sun.

"What? What is it?," he asks rubbing his eyes.

"What happened? What happened last night?!," I ask, trying not to freak out.

"You kissed me then we came upstairs," he simply says. I looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Why?," he asks. "You don't remember?." I shake my head.

"We did it," he says. Oh no. "Why are you freaking out?."

"Because I'm new to this," I reply.

"And? So was I," he says.

"Okay I know, but it's different for a girl. It's always different," I say turning around and getting up from the bed. I cover my body with the sheets and go over to my dressing and look for new undergarments. I rush inside the restroom and took a shower.

The whole time I thought about the fact that Finn and I reached a whole new level in our lives with each other. And honestly, I didn't quite know how to react. I washed my body and when I was done, I stepped out of the shower and dried myself and put on my new clean clothes. I brushed my hair and just stared at myself in the mirror, trying to see if anything of me had changed.  I take a deep breath before opening the door and walking into the bedroom.

Finn was still in bed, and I think he was asleep. I go downstairs and make myself some breakfast. The whole time I was thinking about last night, I know I shouldn't have freaked out like that, but I mean I've never showed anyone my body. I wasn't so confident about my appearance but this kind of stuff is important to a girl, and obviously sharing it with Finn was completely weird. And how are you supposed to react to something like this?

When I was about to finish eating my oatmeal, Finn came downstairs freshly showered. His hair was messy, and he still looked tired.

"Hey, you okay?," he asks me passing by me to the kitchen area.

"Um, yeah I'm okay... and you?," I ask awkwardly.

"Tired... and tomorrow I'm supposed to start working over at the new job thing," Finn says starting to cook himself some eggs. I finished my food and was about to leave the kitchen when Finn stopped me with his voice.

"We have to talk about this Rachel," he says. "I know you're freaking out and feeling weird but this is natural... and I know it's weird because it's us, but I don't think it was all that bad...".

"Yeah um... its just strange... like, I don't know how I'm supposed to feel, and this is just... really weird...," I say and he nods.

"I know this is probably a bad time to mention this, but we'll probably get pregnant...," he says.

"Yeah probably," I say with a softly smile and left the kitchen.


"Now that you're going to the store, can you buy me a onesie?," I ask from the bed. Finn gives me a confused look.

"You want a onesie?," he asks.

"Yeah, oh and also buy ice cream and a bunch of Disney Movies cause tonight is my night to do whatever I want," I reply.

"She's finally back," he softly chuckles, getting the car keys from the dresser under our flat screen TV.

"Yep. I decided to get over what happened last night," I say.

"Ohh well did you at least accept that you enjoyed it?," he asks smirking.

"Aren't you supposed to be leaving already?," I ask. He playfully sends me a kiss and I just roll my eyes and he leaves. I start watching TV when the phone rings. I answer and it's Quinn!

"Rachel?," she asks.

"Yeah it's me. What's up?," I ask.

"I've got news," she says.

"What is it?," I ask.

"I'm pregnant!," she says happily.

"Oh really? That's great congrats!," I say, I'm happy for Quinn. They'd probably have beautiful babies.

"Thanks! Noah and I are really excited! But enough of us, what about you? How are things between you and Finn?," she asks.

"Um, we're good," I say. "We don't really have big news like yours. We haven't reached that level yet, but I will call you if something does happen."

"Okay, well I gotta go I just wanted to call you and tell you the news and know how you've been. Anyway, I love you Rachel, bye," and with that Quinn hung up.

"You're finally back!," I say as Finn walks inside our bedroom with some bags. Inside one of them was my onesie! It was a bear onesie. And on the other bag was most of the Disney movies. They were mostly the Disney Princess movies.

"So what movie is first?," he asks.

"The Little Mermaid!," I said without hesitation. He laughs and puts the movie in the DVD player. The movie starts and I go into the restroom to change into my onesie. I come out and laid down next to Finn who was sitting up on the bed, with his back to the headboard. But instead Finn somehow moved me to sit in front of him with his arms around me. And we watch several movies until I started to get sleepy.

"I'll turn off the Tv," he says getting the remote controller and turning it off.

"Thanks for this," I tell him as we go under the covers.

"Anything for my princess," he says sleepily.

"Goodnight giant," I say turning on my other side so my back is to him.

"Goodnight genius," he says, and I smile at how he remembers his first nickname for me. After a few minutes he wraps his arms around me and we both fall asleep.

I'll admit that first part of the chapter was kind of awkward and cringy for me for some reason lol just thought I'd speed things up just a little bit anyway I'm so proud of myself for posting three times in one day😂

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