Love is harsh when kidnapping love

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Warning if the words below bug u than don't read this

Bitch,dick,ass,asshole,fuck,dam, and shit!. so if u like them than this is the story just for u my friend and I mean just for u!!!!😃😃

And if u like Niall and Louis and Harry and Liam the most than just read the rest😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃🇮🇹🇬🇧🇺🇸

So one day Louis get and mad at his boss and said when ever he came home" women go fix me some god dam food I fucking hungry bitch", I said " wat the hell is up ur fucking dam ass and get it the fuck out and don't u ever call me a bitch cause u know how violent and strong I am and I was the one how save ur live one time so u owe me big time bitch and I can say watever I want but don't ever ever call me that again", he said"ok dick", before he could finish his sentence I said" don't even call me a dick ass asshole dumbass or a slut or hoe so yea and I can still beat u up u know that"! And that's that u mother fucking bitch so u either 1 change ur attitude or 2 get out of the house until u can behave and treat me nicely dick"!!!!😡😡😡😡!!!!Then i said"So Niall is coming over for dinner witch u won't be having cause ur eating out tonight so yea and go stay the night at a hotel cause me and my BFF r having a sleepover so u better get ur walking around money cause I'm not getting it for u at all Lou and I mean it". The doorbell rang it was Niall and before I answered it Louis got mad at me and tried to punch me but I had him on the ground in a pending position when Niall walked in and said"wat the hell r u doin on Louis for", I said" cause he tried to punch me and u know how I hate it Niall", Niall said"well I know but just don't pend him so hard again ok" , then I said"he called me a bitch and a dick to so that's another reason to so yea Niall that y I'm in attack mode right now so don't get on my nerves Niall!

And then I shout him a don't mess with me and u know he deserves this to dumby look! Then I explain to Niall why that happen. And y was Lou mad to.

That he got all mad at his boss for something and than took his angrier out on me and it was not a very good for him cause u know wat happens I pend him so that's y. Than my BFFS came over after Niall made dinner that was spaghetti and salad. Then my BFF gracie said" Where is Lou ;)", then I said" He called me names and u know how I am when people do that unless I know them really good". Then Niall girlfriend Rachel came in late as always. She said" srry toasts lats got stuck in traffic srry Kenzie soups srry ;)". Then I said it's ok I forgive u miss all dressed up for a sleepover😉". Then she said"Nooo i'm not Kenzie😡"!

Then everyone well not Niall said"Yes u r Rach". Then Niall said"You look hot babe"!

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