Chapter 1: The book Prt. 1

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I wake up at 6:30 am sharp and head downstairs. My mother, father, and my older brother, 97-711 all head to the living room simultaneously. We all sit down in our metallic clothes seeming to be comfortable.
"How is everyone this morning?", my mother asks
My mother was a neutral women. She never really told me her name, and when I ask why, she grows tense. She just said that her name is 88-503.
"I feel happy", says my brother, 97-711 with a depressing smile.
"I feel happy as well", I respond. Father is making breakfast as we conversate about our emotions. I have been a curious child throughout my ten years of life but school has helped me learn about the history of the world. In school I learn math science literature and my favorite subject, history. I snap back to the dull reality when breakfast is ready. As we eat, there is silence, only noise made is from the faint chewing of our food and the forks slightly touching against the plates. We don't look at each other, we just eat. Once we are done, we wash our dishes and I get ready for school.
"Bye mom, dad, 97-711. See you all later", I say as I exit my silver house door. I look up at the sky and inhale life. The skies are very dull and every house looked the same. My school bus comes in front of my house at 6:50 sharp and I head to school.

Here at Rewop Elementary School, Everyone does almost the same thing. I step into the building and already see my friend's are already in the school eating breakfast. I don't bother sitting next to them since our first class starts in 3 minutes.
~~~~~~~~~First Period:Math~~~~~~~~~
After putting my name tag into a machine, I enter room 134, and go to desk 5 which is mines. I place my backpack around the back of my chair and get ready for the lesson. My teacher, Ms. Colleen walks in her teacher gown which is a dark shade of the town's color: gray. She puts down her pen which is also gray in a very particular position which is very interesting to me but I ignore the observation. Couple minutes after, the lesson helmets are placed on everyone's heads and as this occurs we all feel that delightful blue gel plant itself into our heads. I soon see black. My body grows numb and soon I don't even have control over my own thoughts and fall into a deep sleep. I hear Ms. Colleen's soothing humming die down.
Once this ends, everyone wakes up feeling the same. Ms. Colleen begins asking question in a tone that has no emotion. "What's 1+1" Ms. Colleen asks
"2", the class responds in unison
"Very good class", Ms. Colleen congraulates all of us. We continue to answer these questions serveral more times before heading to next period. When we finished, we all grabbed our name tags and left room 134.
~~~~~~Second Period:Science~~~~~~
I enter science class, after giving in my name tag again after retrieving it from math class. Everyone gets the clarified beep when giving in their name tag except for this one kid. He wasn't very known to anyone in Rewop so two adults rushed to room 136 and escorted the boy out of the class. The rest of us were told to continue with what we were doing. I go to my desk, which is desk 9 and I once again put my backpack behind my seat. Everyone recieves the same lesson helmets and we all get the same blue gel through our heads. The same pitch black scene visits my mind again.
Everyone wakes up again. And Mr. Peterson goes around giving out trays with these plants on them.
"Now I don't know if They told you but this is a zamaranian flower. This flower can cure sicknesses and can cause rather illusions to one's mind", Mr. Peterson explains in a somewhat dark tone. This flower caught my attention because it is actually black and very eye catching. We study this for about another half an hour and grab our name tags and head to literature.
~~~~~~~Third Period:Literature~~~~~~~
Once again, we place our name tags in The Machine and sit in our desks. Same process occurs. And the same black scene gives me a friendly visit for a while. We learn about shakespeare from our literature teacher, Ms. Samantha.
"Shakespeare wrote poems. They were mainly about feelings. But we won't get into those specific feelings since.....there might be some complications if I do", Ms. Samantha explains in a nervous way. A student raised her hand
"Yes 01-504"? Ms. Samantha says
"When was shakespeare born"? 01-504 asks
"Well let's see. William Shakespeare was born in 1564", Ms. Samantha explains in a sharp tone
The whole class seems interested and we all do this in unison. *bell ringing*
"Well class has ended, hope you all have a lovely lunch"Ms. Samantha exclaims. And we head to lunch.
I decide this time that for lunch, I would eat in the library and check out some of it's books. My mom packed for me: A tuna fish sandwhich, apple juice and a bag of potato chips. I ate my sandwhich silently and started to explore the mass variety of columns that contained so much knowledge in the books the school provided. The library was so big that They had to make room for an extra level since there are so many books. My eyes were glued to everything which consisted of books that had genres of science fiction, non fiction, mysteries, and fun fiction tales. As I headed towards the non fiction columns, I was fascinated with what welcomed me to this section of the library. There were books of frogs, buildings, scientific materials, sculpting tools and more. But as I was walking carelessly through the rows of books, I tripped over a book that didn't look like the rest. I picked it up and scanned the books cover. It wasn't gray. It looked different. It wasn't the same as all the other books. So I did a very dangerous move. Luckily I had my backpack, and I placed it in there so I can check it out later with my friends. Lunch was ending so I went back to where my lunch box was, packed everything up and headed to last period: History.
~~~~~~~~Final Period:History~~~~~~~~
Same procedure occured again. Handed in name tags to The Machine. Went to my desk. Put backpack behind my chair. Lesson helmets were put on us. Blue gel flowed through our heads. And The Black Scene came back. But this time, I saw a picture pop up during The Black Scene. It was that book I saw during lunch. The book was flipping through really quickly but stopped on a specific page. Before I could I start reading what was on the page, the procedure was finished and the lesson helmets were taken off. Mr. Damein was a very strict history teacher. He asked us intellectual questions and we always were exposed to a new part of our history in his class. "Class, What does 'BCE' mean"? Mr. Damein asked
"Before common era", we all said in unison
"Good. What year was Jesus born?"
"0 CE"
"Excellent. What does 'CE' mean?"
"Common Era"
"Great! You all know what the terms 'BCE' and mean 'CE' mean and what year Jesus was born", Mr. Damein said happily. About half and hour later, class ends and we all head home. I go on the school bus and return to my home and am welcomed by my family.
"Hey 01-127" my family said in unison
"Hey everyone, call me when dinner is ready, I'll be studying in my room" I say
"Ok hun. We won't disturb you" my father said. And just like that, I went to my room, closed the door and began studying that book I found in the library.
Hope you guys like this! I will be sticking with this story because my previous ones sucked ass lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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