The Lost boy

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Chapter 1

The Lab

He woke up in a dark room lit by the small light of a computer screen. "Where the hell am I?", I whisper to myself. The room seems big because when i whisper it echos throughout the whole room. I see a few lights which look like they one from computers. A head ache seemed too be coming as as I try to remember how I got here. This strange place in which seemed like it had life yet I could see no one. The only thing I can seem to remember is a woman screeming and a house being burned to the grown. Whats more I felt an emotional pain left in my soul. Like a woman who lost her baby i felt like something had been taken from me. I found this weird seeing as I don't remember having any family.

Suddenly the door to the room slammed open. Thats when I see a man walking towards me. He has a pistol in one hand and in the other what looked like a glowing ball of fire. And then he was gone. And yet he wasn't because when I turned my head I saw him appear right beside me. He started taking the ropes off that kept me tied to the chair as quickly as i could every imagine.

I'm stunned to see that he appeared so quickly . In the small time I was looking at the man I began to study his features. He had a beard and a mall scar on his left eyebrow. He also had peircing blue eyes that looked liked the ocean. I began to see somethng on the side of his neck but i couldnt make it out. By the time he was done all hell broke loose as if from no where as a loud siren went off. Men flew out of doors as quickly as if they had been standing there the whole time. They had pistols in their hands and some even had shotguns.

"I'll give you 5 seconds to get back in the chair kid", said a man with a shotgun. The man who shouted looked bigger than all the others. Like he was the leader. The weird thing about the other men is they didnt look like fighters. In fact they all looked like office workers. They all looked scared too pull the trugger except for the man who shouted. "5", the man who had saved me took me by the hand. "4",He looked at me and began to smile. "3", His grip tightened on my hand as he began to concentrate. "2", I'm now beginning to fear that he can't save us. "1, FIRE AT WILL", the man with the shotgun says. But right before the first gun goes off I feel a sudden lurch and everything around me begins to fade. A wash of colors suddenly appear that make me woozy. Thats when I black out.

Chapter 2

I woke up in a beach at which seemed to be at a beach. I stood n the sand as I began to get up. I smelled salt and could hear water crashing on the ground as well as the vibrations that it caused throughout the sand. The man who had rescued me stood right beside me. "finally you're up, I've been waiting three days for you and I've been kinda lonely." "where am I?" I said. "You're on a beach obviously", said the man who had introduced himself to be Joshua. "no, I mean where am I?" "You're still in the United States if thats what you're wondering." says Joshua. "Ok, so why was I in that room?" "Because you're special, you're like me but more powerful." "I don't get it though, why would they lock me up for being special?" I ask. "Because you're supposed to be the one who ends this, who destroys evil and is the hero. Its in a prophecy," he says.

I begin to walk away from Joshua and towards what looks like a town. "NO," shouts Joshua. Suddenly everything around be begins to change. The blue sky's that I saw became grey and filled with smoke. Everything seemed to be destroyed or burning. "Its a shielding spell," Joshua said. "I wanted to hide this from you, I didn't want you to be overwhelmed by what lies in you." "Everything's destroyed", I said. "How long have I been in that room?" "Forty years", he says. "But I look young?" I say. "They kept you suspended in time but released you because you were going to be moved to another facility" "shit...what happened here?" "The war, between our kind and the normal people." Joshua said, "it took one person to use our gift to turn the world against us." "We were hunted and killed across the years"  "Some decided to join the regular humans and use their powers to help them but some stood and fought back" Suddenly  I feel a lurch backwards and I am suddenly slammed to the ground. When I get back up, I look forward and see a tall man who seems to be laughing. This man looked normal if you don't count the gigantic scar across his face.

  He wore a dark cloak with red linings and held what looked like a ball of purple lightning. Again I see what looks like magic come from somebody's hand.... "I see you've skipped out of my cage and came here", said the man," I would've never found you if you hadn't of walked through that cloaking spell, so I guess luck is on my side indeed." Joshua steps behind me with the same red fire in his hand that I thought I saw while he was freeing me. .

"Well, well, well Joshu-", the man with the scar began to say but before he could finish the name Joshua threw the red fire he had in his hand and just before it hit the man, he dissapeared into dust. Joshua then grabbed me and just like in the lab everything fadded into a wash of colors. I tried to warn Joshua that this could knock me out cold but it was like he couldn't hear me. I felt my eyes getting heavy as I slowly loose my contousness yet again

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