A Single Sentence Saved My Life - Chapter 1

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Chaper 1: Kate

Dear Diary,

I guess this is the last time I will be writing in here because as of tomorrow, I will no longer be here. I haven't decided whether to put a bullet through my head or hang myself but what I do know is that I will be much happier after I am gone.


Just so you know there is only so many years a fifteen year old girl can take being touched by her father in ways no one should be touched except for his wife. Glancing at the clock I realize he should be here any minute, I undress completely, lay on my bed and wait for the torture.

Not seconds later he walks in and because my mom is away on buisness he doesn't even bother to close the door. Taking of his robe, which he is naked under, he climbs onto my bed and on top of me. Tonight goes the same as every other night has gone for the past three years; him feeling around and me just laying there, limp, with tears streaming down my cheeks until he is done.

He gets up, puts he robe back on and looks at me and says that if I ever tell anyone he will put a bullet through my head. This strikes me as histaricle, but not in the laugh until your sides cramp up histaricle, but in the thats super ironic but sad histaricle since as of tomorrow he won't be able to do that anymore. I put on my pajamas, slide into bed, and fall asleep thinking about how I will never have to go through that again.


I wake up to my alarm that I had set early enough so I can write a note to my mom who is getting home tonight, but not before I've ended my life. To tell you the truth I really don't want to die, but dying is better than having to go through another night like last night. I grab a piece of paper, a pen and start to write.

Dear Mom,

You so not understand what I have done or why I have sone it. If I could explain my reason to you in a single sentence it would sound like this. Three years ago I lost my virginity to my own father and if I had a virginity to loose, I would have lost it again every night since then, once again, to my father. I hope you now have and idea of why I have done what I have done, though I know you really don't. I want to let you know that I don't really want to die but I promise you I am happpier than I have ever been since that dreaded night three years ago.

Mom, I love you so much. I want you to continue on with your life like this never happened, I also want you to know that you are in no way a contributor to my decision. If you want to know who caused my to do what I have done, read dads letter. Again I love you so much and wouldn't hurt you like this if there was any other way out but unfortenatly there isn't.



I folded the letter up, slipped it in an envelope, wrote "Mom" on the front and put the envelope in my desk drawer. I look at the clock and decide I have enough time to write a nore to my dad before I need to get ready for school, especially since it is going to be short. Once again I grab a piece of paper and begin to write.

Dad, it's your fault and you know why. If you don't what did you do last night? That should clear it up.


Notice how I don't put the word love in there anywhere. There is a reason for that. I don't love him. How can I after everything he has done to me? Again, I slip this note into an envelope, write "dad" one the front and slip it into the same drawer as the one to my mom.

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