A Single Sentence Saved My Life - Chapter 11

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Okay guys..... heres the next chapter. heres the plan... i hate feeling presured to write just to make sure i can post as often as possible... and cuz write now im currently working on 4 different stories and have started another 2 ( ik ADD much i just come up with ideas and I can't get them out of my head until i at least write a little bit) so wat im gunna do is post EVERY saturday and if i have time or just feel like posting more i'll either post a couple parts or i mite post some throughout the week..... but enough of my rambling... here ya go, next part



Chaprer 11: Kate

I wake up, only vaguely aware that I'm not in my own bed, in my own room, the more after being, once again, raped by dad. I don't fully take in my surroundings until I notice the whispers coming from outside the room. The door creaks open and Lucy, ever so quietly, slips into the room closing the door behind her.

"Kate?" Lucy asks, "are you awake?"

"Ya," is my only response though now I'm fully aware of everything going on.

"There's someone here that you need to talk to."

"Who?" I ask, now suddenly cautious.

"An undercover police officer who is going to help in putting your dad away."

"Lucy, what does he look like?" I ask, starting to get extremely nervous.

"I don't know why it matters, but dark hair, really well built and around 6' 2''."

"Crap," I whisper yell, pushing past Lucy and running towards the door.

"What's wrong?" Lucy asks with a look of pure confusion plastered across her face.

"Lucy, that man isn't trying to help me," I respond locking the door. Turning around, I look her straight in the eyes before continuing, "that man is my father."

All color drains from Lucy's face as she processes what I have just said.

"Where is he?" I ask in a flat voice because I know if my voice displayed the emotions running through me; I would break down.

"Downstairs," wad her only response. She took a deep breath before continuing, "my mom made him go downstairs with her when I came it to get you.

"Well good thing she did or we would be in big trouble." I say while absentmindedly straighten the bed I had been sleeping in while coming up with a plan for getting our of this mess. "Okay," I say, turning around to look at Lucy, "here's the plan. You're going to go down and tell them I'm going to hop in the shower. If they ask why, make something up. Give me a few minutes, then come back up making sure that you have some sort of phone, but make sure they don't know you have it. Let them know that your coming up to check on me, then we'll go from there."

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