My Twisted Fate : Greetings To A Trouble (6)

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~ Narrator's POV ~

The God/Goddess sat up straight from his/her bed,Stretching as he/she did so with a small yawn being let out from his/her mouth." Good morning to me.. " He/She mummbled to himself/herself.Looking straight towards the window to see the foggy morning, He/She looked up at the clock to see it signaling ' 6:36 '

' Exact time everyday. ' The God/Goddess thought,Resting his/her hands down while holding a stuffed toy beside him/her that was given by Sally who said that it will be his/her company when he/she's going to sleep.Hontestly that moved her, Since the start of her creation never have he/she've been acknowledged nicely.

Groaning, He/She lazily stood up from his/her bed and snapped her fingers to fix his/her bed.He/She slowly swiped her hand through her hair to brush the tangled strands of her hair as she walked down from the stairs and to the kitchen hoping that there will be some snack for him/her to devour.

" Do you normally wake up in this kind of time? " A voice of a male asked behind the God/Goddess.He/She turned around to see Eyeless Jack leaning on the door frame that leads from dinning room to the kitchen.

" Yes.Exactly around this time, Why'd you ask? " (Y/n) responded, Immediately lifting his/her hood up so the shadow will cover his/her face quickly not letting any chances the others to see his/her ugly face...He/She may be a God/Goddess that is feared by all but before gaining the throne, He/She had to go through many challenges first.Hence, The reason why he/she always wear a cat-like hoodie with it's sleeve extra long, Covering entirely his/her top.With the bottom having a pants with a boot.

The God/Goddess may have saved his/her appearance but the color of his/her was already known by the killer. " I see...You don't like people knowing your appearance.. " Jack muttered, Lazily getting his most favored food in the fridge. " Hm... " (Y/n) just hummed as a reply to the eyeless killer. 

" If i remembered clearly, Today'll be slightly crowded...Since they are very eager to see the new member of the family. " E.J stated as he continued to search through the fridge. ' Ah, That's right...Slender did said to me the ones who temporarily lived will come.What a big family it is. ' The God/Goddess thought in a daze.Never experiencing being together with another living thing quite affects on being social, And so the God/Goddess wondered what will he/she do for the meeting to be smooth.

Hearing a chuckle, (Y/n) looked back at E.J who was shaking his head lightly. " Don't be too worried about socializing. It'll be just fine. " He comforted, And with that he left the room with a food in his hand.(Y/n) just looked at him, His/Her eyes showed a pain expression as he/she looked at the door where E.J left. " Yeah...Family? Why the fuck do you keep saying family? " He/She asked clueless, Not knowing the real meaning of the so called 'Family'

Nevertheless, The God(dess) continued to what he/she was doing and left the kitchen as she disappeared into ashes with his/her chosen food.

Meanwhile, Deep in the forest a cave was placed where the dark resides.A threatening growl is heard in a cave and a gold glow shone inside, As soon as the light vanished there walked out two figures one female and one male, Seemingly to be twins. " She/He's here, Yes? " The female asked with a thick french accent, Her menacing golden eyes locked with her brother's. 

" Affirmative. " 

The red-heads nodded and started their journey.Leaving only one clue behind, Their presence.

Noon soon came while in the mansion, The rest of the creepypasta has arrived with a curious mind.Each took their places in the living room, Having their own conversation to one another.Wasting enough time, The ender mans finally decided it's time to show the new member, Coughing as to get their attention.

" Like all of you know, We have a special person who will be joining us from now on. Treat her well. " Slenderman announced, With single hand gesture (Y/n) appeared out of nowhere, Waving his/her hand around

" Haii~ I'm (Y/n)...The God/dess of destruction. And i'll be staying here from now on. " 


" We'll get him/her back. That, I am sure. " 

[ TBC ]

[ Status : Unedited ]

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