Intro I

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Intro (Part I)•••

Riley POV~

It was our last set of our last show of the tour. A home show in Orlando. That's when things got really weird.

Dean POV~

Lucky for the five kids on stage my eyes were well adjusted by this point. The venue was fairly dark so to an outsiders' eye, the ominous black smoke that floated in the air before settling into a bored parent, was unnoticed. I glanced over at Sammy who nods.

Where the hell was Cas? I groan in my thoughts as I refocus on the scum of hell that was now creeping around the crowd of teenage fangirls screaming. I roll my eyes at the girls. Sam and I were dressed as security guards. We calmly approached the man.

"May we speak to you, sir?" I call to him over the loud music, putting a hand on its shoulder. He turns to me, eyes flashing black.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't the Winchesters..." He smirks smugly at us.

"Am I afraid I'm going to have to insist that you come with us." Sam steps in and the man growls.

"Well if Azazel's special child-" He hisses and Sam interrupts him by pushing him towards the door.

"Move." Sam snaps.

"Hit a nerve did I?" He snickers, turning to face Sam. "If your mommy remembered what he told her-"

"Shut it." Sam and I growl at the same time.

"It's so cute when you two do that. Have you seen Crowely by any chance?" He looks at us deadly serious. All previous humour in his voice gone. I snort.

"As if we'd tell you." The demon turns his head looking at me thoroughly annoyed. I know how he felt.

"Listen, boys. If you want your pretty boy angel to live... You'll tell me where Crowely is." He smirks darkly, a brow arching towards the mans hairline.

"You sonova-" I start to lunge towards him but Sam puts a hand on my shoulder holding me back.

"We haven't seen him. Not in months. Last time we saw him was in New Mexico." Sam tells him. Most of his answer was true. We haven't seen him lately. He was a little tied up. We had at one point in time seen him in New Mexico.

"Now where's Cas?" I growl. It's bad enough that this piece of crap wasn't back in hell were he belonged but he had the guts to use family against me.

"Aw, how cute. Someone wants his boyfriend back." The demon taunted.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's family." I snap. This demon was so close to being permanently dealt with.

"You Winchesters get so attached to things." He laughs, looking around. That's when Sam put the potato sack fitted with a nice devils trap over his head.

"Time to take out the trash." Sam mumbles as we drag the man out to the back ally.

"Now let's try this again." I unscrew a bottle of holy water as Sam puts handcuffs, with the trap carved into the cuffs, on the man. "Where is Cas?" It snickers and I rip off the sack, forcing holy water down its throat. He growls as he gurgles on the water that is like acid to him.

"I'm sorry we can't understand you..." Sam smirks and the demon turns and spits the water on Sam.

"As if I'd tell you where he was, for all you know he's hundreds of miles away, bound and gagged." It snickers and I slam him against the wall. "You won't kill me, I'm the best lead you got on finding your buddy."

"You really don't want me to make you tell me where he is." I snap.

"What, will you make me choke on more holy piss?" He chuckles.

"When I spent my time down under, Alastair was my personal trainer so you really should shut up now." As soon as I spoke Alastair's name, all previous humour left the mans face.

"Alastair is dead." He muttered out.

"Yeah, and my brother here is the one who ganked him so start talking!" I push him against the wall again.

"On the wharf! The third building, it's an abandoned fish cannery. Just don't kill me!" Finally, 'bout damn time he cracked.

"Thanks for the information, I'll just go and pick him up now." I spin around and narrow my eyes at the man behind us

"Rafael." I guess.

"How touching, you even recognised me in a new meat suit and everything." He snickers and I growl lowly.

"Stay away from him." I spit.

"Oh and once I pick up our friend, Castiel, I'll just drop by and grab Gabriel as well." This dick with wings sure new how to twist someone's arm and Sam and I were ready to pounce.

"You keep Gabriel out of this, he has no part in this." Sam snaps and Rafael smirks.

"Calm down, Empire State." Rafael chuckles at his new nickname for Sam.

"Shut it!" Sam takes a step forward. "Or so help me I'll-"

"You'll what?" He chuckles more. "You can't do anything to me."

"Oh we'll see how you feel when a pull the grace from your neck. You know, with a giant needle." Sam's eyes narrow.

"You can't." Rafael spoke confidently but looked taken back by Sam's words.

"Why don't you come with us to find out." I spit. "We have found some phenomenal ways to bind angels, haven't we Sammy?"

"Yup, we sure have, thanks to your friendly neighbourhood men of letters." Sam smirks and Rafael steps back. "That's right..."

"These old dogs learned some new tricks." I smirk as well. "Now if you'll excuse us, I have the scum of hell to clean up and a nerdy angel to rescue."

Demons and Grace Notes {Before You Exit, SPN cross over fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now