2.Moving in

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Angel helps me get my things out of the car. Troye went home after I calmed down and I met the dog Angel. I call her Mini Angel though. Mini's a half toy poodle and half short-furred Chihuahua.

"Okay so I have the guest bedroom. It's upstairs. First room on the right. It has some of Troye's stuff from when he comes over. He stays the night a lot because I go out of town a lot for work and he watches my baby Angel. So actually go to the first room on the left. That's the other guest bedroom." I nod and use her directions to find my new room. It's walls are white. The sheets are blue. It's just your average guest bedroom. I put the suitcases and duffel bags in the closet and lay down on the bed.

I wake up to Troye sitting next to me, easing me awake, his hand brushing across my face, calming me down. That's the first thing I notice. The second thing is that I'm drenched in sweat. The third thing is that I'm crying. And the fourth thing is that Angel is on the floor crying.

"Angel? What's wrong?" I ask, worry creeping into my voice, along with confusion. She looks up at me with her red, puffy hazel coloured eyes.

"J, honey. You were crying in your sleep. You kept screaming for Tom to stop. I tried to wake you, but it wouldn't work. I remember you said Troye's voice soothed you. So I called him over. We've been trying to use his voice to wake you. You slowly stopped screaming, then you cried harder. What were you dreaming about?" I tried to remember, but I never remember dreams until morning. One look at the clock told me it was 11:48 pm.

"Angel, you know I am with dreams." I whisper. She just nods.
"K. Tell me when you remember. I'll leave you two to talk. Troye, please help him." Troye nods and Angel walks out and closes the door. I stand from the bed and take off my shirt, grabbing another from my suitcase and pulling it on. I'm just glad I'm wearing basketball shorts.

"Okay so we already know you were dreaming about Tom, and that it wasn't a good dream. This could be because of his reaction to your being gay. Now it's just a guess. So do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head, but find my brain and heart teaming up against my choice. Seconds later, I find myself nodding. I tell Troye the experience, not leaving out any details, and he listens. By the end, I actually feel a bit better, but a bit worse.

"Okay. Wow. I'm so sorry. That would explain that bruise on your jaw..." He says, his hand going over the bruise. For some reason his touch doesn't hurt. I don't flinch. He notices that and takes his hand back, blushing.

"Okay. I told you my story. Your turn." I say, bringing him out of his thoughts,whatever they are. He tells me a story, saying that four months and twenty three days ago he asked his dad what he would change about religion if he could. He tells me how his dad said 'the whole gay thing. It doesn't make sense' and how he'd agreed with his dad and had said, 'because dad...' and he tells me how he felt his throat lock and how he waited for it to wear off and had said, 'I'm gay' and how they had bawled their eyes out.

He tells me how he asked his dad if he still loved him and the look his dad had given him, like Troye was so insane to doubt his father's love. How they sat until the early hours of the morning. And that was it. He said no one in his family had judged him. None of his closest friend judged him when he told them.

"And yeah. I just feel like I'm surrounded by the best people I could be surrounded by." He finishes. He looks a little guilty though. The normal person would probably be jealous and argue that he doesn't understand and he can't help, which is probably what he expects me to say, but I'm genuinely happy for him. And I feel like he can help.

"At least there's hope." I say, and the guilty look completely washes away. He gives me a hug and tells me there will always be hope. We sit and talk for a few hours before I notice that Troye's asleep. I smile and pick him up laying his unconscious body on the pillow and go downstairs. I'm greeted by Angel and Mini and Angel asks where Troye is. I tell her he's passed out in the room. She nods and asks why I'm still awake and I admit I'm afraid to sleep. She nods again and gives me a coffee.

I reluctantly accept, knowing it'll keep me awake. When I get back my room Troye's still asleep. I sit next to him, taking a sip of my coffee. I rest my head on the wall once I've finished my coffee and set the cup on the ground.

I wake up and mentally note that I'm lying down on the bed and there's a light weight on my chest and it takes one glance before I realize it's Troye. His hands are resting on my heart and his head resting on his arms. I smirk and rest my eyes until I feel him move. My eyes open to see him blushing and giving me an apologetic look.

"You fell asleep last night." I say.

"Yeah. Ha, I can tell. You could've moved me to the other room. Why didn't you?" He asks. I shrug.

"You looked peaceful. I didn't want to wake you." I say casually.

The blush never fades as we get up. He goes to the other room to change and I make my way to my suitcase.

We walk down to the kitchen and Angel laughs when she sees us.
"You guys looked so cute. I had to take a picture." She says, holding up her phone. Troye is lying on me and my arm is wrapped around his body. We both glance at each other and blush.

"Delete it!" We shout in unison. Angel just laughs and shakes her head.

"It's cute. I think I'll have it framed and hang it up." She says, laughing.

"No!" We cried together, although we were all laughing by now. Angel went on to explain why she thinks we were in that position.

"Maybe you were both having bad dreams. Maybe Troye, you went to Jacob for comfort and Jacob, you're too stubborn to admit when you need comfort. So you accepted Troye's pleas but really his presence calms you." She rambles. I laugh at her guess, and Troye argues, asks why he has to be the one who reaches out. She says because it's adorable, like him. He blushes.

"Or..." I start, "we felt the presence of a body and knew the body contained warmth. So, out of instinct, or habit, we both reached out to find warmth and to assure our minds that there really was a presence." I finish. Angel pouts, pointing out how boring that sounds and asking where her fun brother went. Troye just looks at me and mutters, 'that makes sense'. I smile and grab the coffee from the counter and pour myself and Troye a cup, after offering him one, of course.

We all go to the living room and sit on the couch, me sitting on the left, Troye in the middle, Angel on the right. Angel starts talking about filing for custody of me so she can enroll me in school here since she's nineteen, and I'm sixteen. I agree that that would be best. She asks if when I'm enrolled if Troye can show me around. He quickly accepts and offers to show me around town tomorrow. Angel and I both nod.

Hey Maygicorns...so srry for putting this book on hold 2...that wasn't part of the plan but heres chapter 2...srry this chapter is kinda short...hope u dont h8 it...ily stay horny...b4n...
p.s spoiler alert(not for this book)i literally have like 5 other Tracob books I'm secretly riting n not publishing yet

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