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Someone tagged me but I dunno who and I can't find it back on wattpad, I'm sorry whoever tagged me, thank you btw!

Someone tagged me but I dunno who and I can't find it back on wattpad, I'm sorry whoever tagged me, thank you btw!

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1) harry Potter,suicide squad and miraculous ladybug

2) don't have one

3) black


5) no not anymore, I used to have an orange bird named fred but he

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5) no not anymore, I used to have an orange bird named fred but he... Died WHYYYYYYY. Biggest mistake ever, I'm never gonna name any pet 'fred', I mean the dead of fred was too much for me to handle and now my birdie fred too nononono.... Ok I'm rambling, srry

6)snilly, jilly, dramione,marinoir, adrinette,...

7) I have 4 favourite colours: purple, green,royal bleu and silver ( is that even a colour?)

8) Capricorn

9) right

10) Christmas holiday

11) I have no favourite

12) slytherin, duhhh

13) I don't hate them but I don't like them either.

I tag:

potterhead randomness Where stories live. Discover now