Color of aSunset

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Scarlett's POV

Bye Cassy I called as I walked out of her house.
Wait you want a ride she called.
Nah I'm good I'll just walk I called back to her.

I started down 5th Ave on my way home But I heard screaming a girl screaming down the alley in front of me I quickly opened the pocket knives from my boots that my dad made me carry I put one in each hand.

You may be wondering why I'm doing this instead of calling the cops and running well I'm Scarlet Reed my dad is a gang leader and I have three older brothers in the gang as well as myself being a street fighter so I can handle myself fairly well. I was used to carrying weapons with me and being attacked pretty often so to help this person would be my pleasure.

I pulled up my hood and turned in the alley.

I stopped deepened my breathing so they wouldn't hear. What I saw made me stop in my tracks. There was three guys all with a bigger build obviously in a gang like my family, and one girl the girl small petite frame who was being held up by two of the guys, the other one was holding a gun to the girl while cutting off her clothes. I was disgusted by him and the other two so, I took out my bow and poison arrows from my duffel bag loaded an arrow then balanced it on my shoulder. Aimed both of my knives in between their shoulder blades I knew it would hurt like hell and graze a nerve then threw them. After that I quickly aimed my bow at the other guys arm shot then did the same to the other arm. The next few seconds they all fell to the floor in pain. I ran over knocked out the two baboons that were holding the girl and grabbed my knives back from their shoulders. Then ran over to the girl.

She looked around twelve years old and I got even more pissed off.
Are you okay sweetie I asked her
She just ran over and hugged me crying and mumbling thank you over and over. Then the other one started to get up he pointed the gun at me slightly wobbly. So I pushed the girl behind me and told her to run to the corner, cover her eyes and wait for me. She nodded and followed my orders soundlessly.

Who are you that you can disarm me and my men with such ease he asked me obviously in pain. I smirked to myself and said I'm surprised you don't know me making my voice deeper as I talked. I stepped forward took his gun stole the bullets then returned it into his hand. Then pushed him into the wall causing him to drop it again. I deepened my voice once more. And I had just given it back to you, I smirked, now what are you doing trying to rape a twelve year old girl in the 5th Avenue alley, I asked. He shrugged why is it your business and you might want to let go of me my boss has arrived he smirked. I turned my head not letting my grip slip up to see Tyson. Ughhhh I groaned turned back to the creep let go started walking just to turn around and knock him out with my left hook.
Tyson my old buddy I called.
Scar as much as we are friends care to explain why you threw knives at two of my members shot another with poison arrows then knocked them all out he asked me.
I don't know Ty care to explain why two baboons and a creek were trying to rape a twelve year old in the 5th Avenue alley I asked right back. A question with a question oh the irony.
They were what! He boomed.
Hold up I called as I ran to the other side of the alley pushing through all of his men running to the girl. Hi sweetie it's me again what's your name and how old are you I asked squatting down to her level. M-Maddie and I-I'm nine she said quietly Umm miss did you get rid of the bad men. Well Maddie I did, now can you come here I said nicely.

She happily walked over to me I picked her up setting her on my hip. She quickly kissed my cheek said thank you, wrapped her arms around my neck, then snuggled into my side. I kissed her forehead and started walking back to Tyson.

This Tyson this is the little girl your men were trying to rape she's not even twelve nine Ty she's nine and your men were going to take her innocence and scar her for life I said clearly pissed off.

Scar I really didn't know I'll, make sure to punish them what do we do with the girl though he told me sincerely. I held up a finger for him to wait. He went silent.

Maddie where are your parents honey I asked picking her chin up to look at her eyes and they were filled with tears.
M-Miss the bad men killed them at home so I-I tried to run I got here and then... she broke into tears.

Shhh it's okay did the bad men tell you why they killed your parents I asked

They- They said mommy and daddy owed the gang something I-I think they said gang is that bad Miss She asked me.

No baby that's okay do you want to come live with me and I can be your sissy and you can have my brothers and parents too would you like that I asked.

Yes please I want a family she said Miss what's your name.

My names Scarlet but you can call me Scar okay now go to sleep Maddie I told her laying her head back on my shoulder.

Okay Ty I'm not gonna ask what her parents had with your gang but, next time leave the kid out of it she's gonna live with me and my family okay now your men just left the evidence go clean it up I addressed Tyson.

He raised his eyebrows at me questioningly Are you telling me what to do Scarlet he said his men got into fighting positions at there leaders words.

Listen here Tyson I may have a kid in my hands but I will still beat you and all of your men okay your gang screwed up big time and broke the code for the area so I won't hesitate to tell the council and shut down you gang and you should be disappointed in your men for not knowing simple respect because you all may be in a gang but in a gang or not you should have the common knowledge not to put your hands on a women much less on a child so you will clean up the evidence and leave the girl to me before I destroy everything you have worked for got it. I said in my low even tone that I used when I was DEAD serious, during all of this I was walking closer to him, poking my finger in his chest, and glaring daggers at him.

He and his men looked terrified at my tone he knew I was serious Yes Ma'm he said.

I turned to his men Got it I said my voice just as menacing. They all nodded their headed up and down rapidly just as scared as Tyson was. Good I stated. Turned and walked to my house now and knives safely in my bag preparing for the yelling that would come from all of my family but my twin he would hug me first tell me he was worried then start yelling at me. But I understand where they are all coming from. I took a deep breath then opened the door to my mansion.


Hello people it's me tell me if you like the new story and give me ideas for covers love you children and hope you enjoy my new book.
BTW you won't understand the title till part way through the book love you yea okay I'll leave you now bye. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2017 ⏰

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