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nounnoun: secret; plural noun: secretssomething that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others.

Every body have different secret behind their life

A secret that probably change their life or maybe a secret that bring happiness to them

A secret that can harm anybody or a secret that could make them selves Killed


" Oh my god! "

suddenly a voice came to my ear that made me jumped from my chair and made my book flew away

when i tilted my head up, my friend smiled with the wierdest smile ever and her hands were on my table

As usual, she made me shock

" Oh my.. hahaha your face.. its so dumb " (f/n) said to me with a laugh in her face

" its not even funny (f/n), you can cause a heart attack plus you make my book disappear " i said with an angry face

" Hahaha.. okay i'll get it for you " she said while she walked to search the book, and she saw it, its on a top of a student table, but my friend thinks she never see him before

she walked to his table with a curious on her face, and then she quickly ran towards me and poke my shoulder

" hey (y/n) who's that ? " (f/n) said while pointed her thumb to the guy

" who? " i said while turn my head around. There, i saw a person with blonde hair and kinda blue ish eyes stared at the window, and suddenly he turned his head and his cold eyes are stared at me, my eyes still on him, i quickly turned my head back to my friend

" i don't know, maybe a new student " i said at the moment, i knew that he still looking at me, its actually his stare is pretty scary that's why i turned my head as quickly as possible

" where is my book? " i said with my both hands open to my friend and blink my eyes twice

" i didn't take it " she said with a straight face

" why is he still staring at us? "

" yeah, its kinda scary actually" my eyes widened at my friend

" yes i agree "

A few moments later, when we still had a conversation, suddenly i heard unfamiliar voice

" Hey, is it your book ? " the person said in a deep voice and a cold looking while he gave it back to me

" Mhm.. " i answer with a fear in my face, (f/n) quickly ran behind me, i can feel my heartbeat ran faster

" Don't throw your book at people, I'm not a book shelf " he said quietly with his cold face and then he walked towards the door

" What a relief.. " me and (f/n) sigh

Suddenly he stopped an said " By the way, I'm Kim Taehyung " without turned his head to us



hey sorry if my spelling or vocab is wrong

because its my first time writting


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