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[One thing: I accidently used the wrong tags for this book. Sorry... This isn't a Crankiplier, this is Tythan (Tyler x Ethan) and I'm really sorry h a h]

[Warning: This chapter has domestic abuse in it. This chapter also has anti-gay themes because of christianity. Personally, I am a christian, and this is the exact opposite of how christians should behave, so if I see any bashing christianity, or other beliefs in general, I will not hesitate to block and report your ass. Understood?]

{2006: Tyler}

"It's ok to be gay, It's ok to be gay, It's ok to be gay, It's ok to be gay, It's ok to be gay, It's ok to be gay.." 16 year old Tyler whispered to himself, ears covered, curled into a fetal position. The boy looked up at the mirror, the black eye already forming. He sighed, slightly touching it. He flinched. This happened a lot. Tyler stopped crying a year ago. His father's a pastor, and having a homosexual in the family would be a disgrace.

Tyler's friends knew that his father didn't exactly like him, but none of them could figure out the whole story. The story behind his smile. The story of his father abusing him with words, hitting him, and locking him in a dark closet. He hid the bruises with makeup and mental scars with smiles filled with a story.

A small knock came from Tyler's bedroom door. "Tyler, may I come in?" The boy sighed before saying, "Yes, Father."

Tyler's father slipped in and sat down on the bed next to the boy. "Son, I'm sorry about that, but we can't have a gay in the family."

The poison on his father's words made Tyler flinch. "Yes, Father."

"I'm glad you understand. And cover up the bruise before mass tomorrow."

"Yes, Father."

Because all his father cared about was himself and his reputation.


Tyler sat in the front of the church, waiting for the service to start. He turned and saw one of his best friends, Mark Fischbach, out of the corner of his eye, waving like an idiot. Tyler turned slightly, waving at his friend with a small smile. Thankfully, he covered the black eye. He always does.


"Hey, Tyler!" Mark yelled, jumping to give him a high five. Poor Mark hasn't hit his growth spurt yet, so he's still only 5'5", so Tyler basically towered over him.

"Sup, Mark?" Tyler smiled. Just smile, it will get you through life. "Can I come in?"

"Oh, sure." Mark moved out of the way, and the two went to Mark's room to meet Bob and Wade.

"Sup, gay boys." Wade laughed, watching the two enter. Tyler knew Wade was joking and it became endearing and an inside joke between the four. Tyler chuckled, throwing down his backpack. "Hey, doof."

"Talking about gay, is your dad taking it any better?" Mark asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Tyler sighed, sliding down the wall. "Nope. He never will."


It was May of 2008. Tyler sat down in front of his father. "Father, I need to tell you something."

"Yes, Son?"

"I-I'm dating Mark."

"No you are not."

"Yes. I am."

"No. I refuse to have a sinner in my family just because you decided to be gay."

"I didn't choose to be gay!"

"Yes you did!"

"Then when did you decide to be straight?"

"Go to your room."


Tyler got struck down with a slap. "Go to your room, and if I see you with that Mark boy, you're both dead."


It was June now. Tyler lived through the extra month of torture, and him and his friends just graduated earlier that week. At three in the morning, Tyler snuck out his window. He quietly knocked on Mark's window quietly. The shorter boy quickly jumped out of his bed, ran over to his window, and opened it. He attached himself to the taller boy. "Tyler! Thank god you made it! I was getting so worri-"

"I promised I'd make it by 3:30 and I keep my promises, doof." Tyler laughed, kissing Mark's head.


Tyler and Mark broke up years ago, but that doesn't mean they didn't stay friends. They were actually living together now. And a new editor is coming soon.

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