Tag You're It

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In a dark room, before a large Laptop screen... a set of delicate hands fiddled around nervously upon the keyboard.. They considered a little.. than tapped their fingers on the table...

Before those hands, a blank document lay open..

What to write..

What to say..

The fingers began to type.


My name, for those of you who didn't bother to read the summary of this book, is Jake Sanders. Or at least, it used to be.

This story describes how my identity, and purpose in life changed drastically over night.

I can tell you right now, it wasn't a pleasant experience.. nor will it ever continue to be a pleasant experience. Seriously, I am not pulling your leg when I warn you that reading this book might have certain consequences.

The type of consequences that might be accompanied by cold showers and rampant drinking of booze in an attempt to completely forget what is written upon these pages.

Destra suggested I write everything all down since I've always had an interest in making novels. But somehow I think my life not exactly 'Lord of the Rings' material. More like Sword Art Online meets Hunger Games meets er.. well.. I guess it's not Sword Art Online if I don't have a harem right?

I'm getting off the subject.

The hands paused.. then continued to type.

The point is.. while true, I'm not sure exactly how to tell my story without somebody reading this and throwing me in the nuthouse.. or just thinking I wrote some very well rehearsed story and putting me on a bestseller list or a rejected novel list..  But.. either way, I'm guessing this story has to be told, so here we go..

It all started with a game..

And as with all games.. it started with a player..

Namely me..


His name was Jake Sanders.

A High School student America who was currently studying abroad at Sakura High School down in Tokyo.

An ordinary boy, with jet black hair, and a well fit stature, as well as a stunning height of 6ft 5, he always towered above his class mates overall. Perhaps that was why girls always avoided him.

Either way, Jake always avoided his Japanese Classmates if he could help it. Despite being an ace at learning different languages, he felt that Japanese people were a little too polite for his taste.

Perhaps it was the constant bowing, the amazing obsession about grades, or the fact that suicides around test time were rather too frequent, but Jake found socializing at his school to be a rather large bummer.

And the girls here, while amazingly cute, always gave him that scared look due to his intimidating stature.

Fortunately, Jake was not completely socially deprived.

As a lover of Online RPG video games, every time he finished his studies, his immediate action would be to pull out his laptop or his PlayStation and start playing games.

The people online couldn't see him, or what he looked like. And since he could always choose the servers.. he didn't even have to converse with other Japanese people.

It was still a lonely life though. The only person he ever talked to close up was his Landlord, a rather feisty 16 year-old girl who had inherited the place after her parents passed away.

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