Destra The Archer Mage Elf

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(Most of the songs used in this series are composed by Hiroyuki Sawano- creator of the sound track for Attack On Titan and Aldnoah.0)


The dragon squealed as Jake.. or Mizuki as she now was, wrung the dragon by the neck.


"Please...." the dragon wheezed, his eyes bulging. "Let me... explain... I can't.. breathe.."

Mizuki let go of the dragon, letting it drop onto her bed, breathing hard.

"Thank you.. I could feel myself turning blue for a minute there." The dragon stammered, panting.

"Y-you..." Mizuki growled. "TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON NOW!!"

You're a player of Tag You're Dead." said the dragon irritably. "Why you were selected and how, I have no idea.. but last night your computer should've given you a message, either that or your game station, depending on which platform you were on at the time of the message.

"Message?" said Mizuki.

"Yes. Don't you remember? Tag, you're it?"

Mizuki froze, her mouth opening with horror. "No.. way. That event.. it wasn't.."

"It wasn't part of the game.. or was it? Hmm.. I have no idea." said the dragon. "They don't tell me this stuff.. I'm just an enchanted PlayStation!"

"So when I selected the avatar for the game.." Mizuki muttered.

"You turned into the avatar! That's correct!" said the dragon. "It's your own fault you're a girl!"

Mizuki glared at the dragon.  That wasn't a fair assumption at all. Whatever, or whoever was behind this freaky incident hadn't at all explained in detail what Jake was getting into.

Mizuki's opinion must have been quite apparent on her face, because the dragon waved it's little claws as if to calm her down. "Now now, this situation is unreversable, the transformation's permanent as far as I know. So there's no use crying over it.."

"Fine.. fine.." Mizuki muttered, sitting at her desk.  "So, tell me what this game is all about then."

"Ehem.." The dragon cleared it's throat as if getting ready to rehearse something that it had memorized in preparation for this moment. "Since time immemorial, Role Playing Games, where one played a character or a controller of a character, have been invented to search for human candidates to play the game currently known in the 21st century as Tag You're Dead."

The dragon pointed at the computer. While it used to be strange board games we used during the medieval era.. we've moved on to video games as a quicker way to find candidates.

"And what qualifies a candidate?" Mizuki asked grumpily.

"Dedication to the character that is played, dedication to the game.. etc." said the dragon. "real life Skill or battle prowess isn't much of an issue we consider. For one thing, if the candidate is already skilled in battle, it isn't as funny."

"Funny?" Mizuki growled.

Recognizing the danger signs, the dragon hurriedly continued on.  "Tag You're Dead is a game beings all across the Universe enjoy watching, in fact, humans aren't the only ones that play it..  Characters of all sorts of RPGs engage in a lifelong game of tag which possesses extraordinary benefits as well as deadly consequences."

The dragon held up both paws indicating it's 10 claws. "Every player has 10 lives they are allowed to use. Each time they are killed, they lose one life... if they lose all lives.. they die for real..  And if their life is taken by another player, that player gains one life.

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