Important A/N

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Hey my Shadow pack! Sorry this isn't a chapter but i just want to tell you the reasons i'm not updating quick. 1) I'm back at school and i have exams in two weeks so i have to spend most of my time either revising or worrying about it. 2) My best friend is having an emotional war with himself about his girlfriend so since he has always been there for me i will always be there for him because we see each other as brothers so i'm always out skateboarding with him or just hanging out. 3) On top of this i'm having a shit time trying to figure out ways to stop getting so angry all the time because when you are imagining hurting someone for no reason just because your angry it is scary as shit especially when you yourself find what you do unpredictable. Sorry to just say all this but i don't really talk to anyone so i'm just telling you guys, hope you can understand why it's taking so long and sorry again. See you in the next chapter!

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