Chapter 9

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You and Sam stood in silence. Awkward but now awkward.

"So I heard your date ended rather, um, weird." He comments.

"A demon and what seemed to be just a bloodthirsty human. I kind of felt sorry for the bloodthirsty bugger, I know how it feels to be all alone and hurt."

"Well you're not alone now, you'll always have us here." Sam pats you on the shoulder as you both walk to the kitchen.

"So tell me why exactly you didn't want me gaining my memories about Crowley back? I heard Dean's reason what's yours?"

"My reasons are about the same as his, I just didn't want to see you hurt and the more time that passed the more you seemed to hurt. He is going to hurt you again you know that right? What are you going to do if he takes leave again? What are you going to do then?"

"I'll just have to wait and stay hopeful won't I?"

"But what if-"

"No Sam, no what if's anymore! They just get in the way, live in the moment a little more." You plop down on a chair. "What if's really suck." You sigh.

"What happened to you while you were out?" He chuckles while placing a beer in front of you. "Are you just sick?" He puts the back of his hand to your forehead.

Swatting it away you say. "Just an eye-opening experience was all." Popping the cap you take a long swig of your drink. "Very eye opening."

"You woke up like you were running from something."

"Going to sound strange but uh, I was running from the voices Sam. The ones that called me all these bad names."

"Yeah sounds strange." He sips his own drink.

The bunker opens and Dean storms in, all the adrenaline and what not radiating off him. "They're taken care of for now." Dean shots. "You are to not leave this place unless it's burning, you're going to die, or you're with someone who is going to help you kill those winged dicks. Got it?" He arrives and grabs a beer also and leans on the counters.

"Yes, father!" You sigh and roll your eyes.

"I'm not your father." He pats your head and leaves.

"Yes because that would be weird." You finished the rest of your drink and threw it in the trash.

You walk around trying to remember your way around the bunker. You found your way easily for not having been there in a rather long time. Which doors went where, where the library was, television. Your own room was actually the hardest to find but you found it eventually. Even though you were in it about an hour ago. Maybe two.

As you opened the door to your room you remembered all the pictures you had drawn. The first of your collection, Gabriel sitting in the chair, next to it was a photo you snapped of the brothers laughing, they told you to take it down so you did but you drew it and stuck that up. Hey, you took it down, you still have it, though. You had a picture of a confused Cas next to that, he didn't really understand why you wanted him to stand against a wall. You had so much more that lined your walls hung up by tacks, you also had some posters of movies, TV shows, and musical artist.

You sigh and plop on your bed, your spine decompressing. You began to think of a plan to see Crowley at some point. You needed to apologize, it just felt like you needed to. You'd never get out without the brothers noticing most likely, so sneaking out was not an option. With the Angels after you, it's going to make things harder. What if you said you need to go to the store because you need to buy something, truth be told you really need some more colored pencils and markers also. They'd have their eyes on you like hawks most likely. This was no easy task. But it had to be done, and it could be done.

You'd go tomorrow you decided. Not like they'd let you go on a hunt anytime soon either. Who knows when they will.

"I wonder how Kevin's doing?" You asked yourself. "I didn't see him at all today, must be really busy." You sit and stare at the ceiling, it had that same boring cream color it gave you a sick feeling. Literally remembering everything in vivid detail every second was making you feel ill! You also had a put in your stomach like you were forgetting something a memory that you felt you couldn't get back no matter how hard you tried.

"What's going on with me?" Sighing you get up and go look for something to read.

Finding a book about vampires that you've read who knows how many times you sit on the couch in front of the television that Dean was watching.

"Whatcha reading?" He asks flipping the channel.


"You're reading a book about vampires or its title is vampires?"

"I'm reading about vampires Dean." Sighing you begin to read.

Though since you've read this book multiple times it was more like you were skimming over each page, so you had finished it rather quickly. Setting it down you still, see Dean flipping through channels.

"Give me that." You motioned for him to give you the remote.

"There's nothing on, you're not going to find anything." He hands you the remote.

"You just have to know your way around technology, it's pretty simple actually." Pressing the button to search for a channel. "What show are you interested in right now?"


"You can look shows up, you do know that right?"

"I didn't actually. Learn something new every day. How about Chopped?"

"That's fine, should work." Looking it up the shows and seasons pop up. Selecting a random one. "The ones that work are the one with the play button beside them." Tossing the remote it hits him in the stomach.

"Watch it!" He complains.

"By the way, we need to go out tomorrow. You need more food, I need more art supplies, and well yeah female supplies."

"Okay, and what is this we?"

"I was told I'd never be left alone. Were you just joking or are you being serious?"

"The food we have here is fine." Dean turns his attention to the T.V. to see who got chopped. "I knew it!" He shouts.

"It's not fine, maybe for you but not for me. We still need to go shopping anyways." You get up from the couch and head to the kitchen.

"The food's fine my ass." You sigh looking about the fridge only coming up with a beer and a half-eaten bag of baby carrots. "We need to go shopping." You sigh.

"What is this we?" You hear Sam.

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