I'll be Home for Christmas

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"Be careful!" Fiona said as she watched Hugh climb the shaky ladder.
"I won't fall Fi," he smiled back.
She rolled her eyes still grinning. All she could think about was how cute Hugh was when he tried to put the lights up on the tree for her. Every year she would do it but this year, Hugh wanted to switch it up.
"I know you'll fall Hugh. I'm so sure, I bet you will."
"What do you bet?" Hugh gave her a suggestive look.
"Well I'll give you a kiss if you fall," she said jokingly. "Because if I say I bet you a kiss, you'd stupidly fall purposely wouldn't you?"
"I would fight Emma if it meant kissing you afterwards."
"Aww that's so sweet." Fiona said sarcastically. She left the room to gather more lights before hearing the ladder shake and Hugh trying to keep balance.
"Fi! I need your help!" Fiona rushed back towards the tree right as Hugh started to fall. She grew the tree out catching him before he hit the ground.
"I told you s-" Hugh kissed her, stopping Fiona mid sentence. Her eyes opened wide with surprise.
"Mffp," she continued as Hugh held her waist. She gave in and closed her eyes, kissing him back. Fiona placed her hands on his shoulder. He pulled her in closer, pressing her against him. A minute passed by before Fiona pulled away. Her face was painted with pink and she a smile spread from ear to ear across her face.
"Okay, we need to finish decorating now," Fiona tried to say. A giddy laugh kept trying to escape from her chest as she spoke.
"Aw come on Fi," Hugh responded holding her waist tight to his body. He brushed her hair back and lifted her chin up.
Fiona gave a shy smile. "Fine." She leaned in closer to him and placed her lips on his. They melted onto each other.
"Wait," Hugh whispered. Hugh led her to their sofa and sat her down before sitting on her lap. He faced Fiona leaning over her.
"Come here." Fiona pulled on his shirt and they locked lips again. An occasional smile broke free as she sat back kissing him and he relaxed pressed against her. Slowly, Fiona sat up, pushing her body against his. She rested her arms around his neck and Hugh held tight to her waist. Minutes passed before they finally separated.
"Now we should get back to decorating," Hugh softly said.
"Fine. You started this though, so you better end it," Fiona responded with a playful look. Hugh got up off her, trailing his hand across her body before standing. "I'll be inside looking for more lights."
"Okay hon." Fiona stood up and walked into their room. Hugh returned to the ladder. He cautiously hung up the lights. About 15 minutes passed before Hugh had finished. Carefully he stepped down to see if Fiona could find any for him. He heard singing from the room.
"Silent night, holy night, all is calm all is bright..." Fiona sang as she sat untangling the mass of Christmas lights. Hugh stood by the door listening to Fiona sing.
"Sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace." She finished. The tune continued as she hummed on. Quietly, Hugh walked behind her and sat down. He held her at her ribs and kissed her neck. The humming started to fade as Fiona slightly leaned back onto Hugh. Once in a while, a small giggle in the form of a breath escaped from Fiona. Finally, she finished untangling the last ball of lights. She took Hugh's face in her hands and gave him a slow kiss. Hugh kissed back gently. He could smell the aroma of roses coming from her hair. Fiona pulled away gradually.
"Come on, you need to put the lights on the house now," Fiona whispered as she left his face.
"Do I need to Fi? We could just do this?" Hugh pulled her up to his torso.
"I promise we'll do something later." A suggestive expression grew on her face. "It's supposed to snow starting tomorrow so we need to hurry." She brushed his face with the back of her hand as she pulled away. A ball of lights made their way into her hands before she started to walk outside. Hugh followed her, bringing the ladder along. He set up the wooden contraption and began to climb.
"Fi, hand me the lights slowly once I get onto the roof," Hugh slightly yelled.
"Will do hon." Hugh made his way onto the brown tiled roof and stood there.
"Bring one up!" Fiona stepped up on the ladder and handed him a line. Hugh started to hang it along the rim of the home. As Hugh pulled, the lights tugged on the ladder, carefully pulling it down.
Hugh started to notice. But it was a second too late. "FI! THE LADDER!" Fiona looked over just as it crashed to the ground. "Dammit." Hugh swore. Fiona started to laugh. "Fi can you help stand it up again?"
"Why don't you just finish putting the lights up?" She was still giggling. "I'll put it back up when you're done." Hugh sighed and finished up the lights. Fiona went back inside to get her gloves that she had forgotten as Hugh finished.
"Fi! Can you put the ladder back up? Fi?" He called. She couldn't hear a thing from inside as she looked around for her gloves.
"FI! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" Hugh kept yelling. Fiona still couldn't hear and kept on looking for her gloves.
"Here they are!" She exclaimed as she pulled a pair out from under their bed. Rushing, she put them on and went back outside to find Hugh laying face down on the roof.
"Honey? What are you doing?" She yelled up to him stifling a laugh.
"Just get the ladder please," he said back to her. Fiona complied and walked over to the ladder. She stood the wooden thing back up and waited for Hugh to come down. He puffed angrily as he passed her and walked back inside. Fiona rolled her eyes and followed him in. Hugh went and sat on the sofa with a blanket while Fiona decided to try something. She went to their record player and found a record of Bing Crosby's Christmas classics. She placed it on the player and set the needle down. I'll be Home for Christmas started to play.

"I'll be home for Christmas. You can plan on me. Please have snow and mistletoe and presents on the tree..."

Fiona went over to Hugh and sat beside him. She rested her head against his shoulder with her eyes closed as she hummed along. Hugh looked at her. He blushed remembering the first time they were together. How her red curls were a mess but framed her face so perfectly and how he would subconsciously notice her eyes glisten when he stared at them. He remembered the first time they kissed. How her lips tasted like rose flavored turkish delight dusted with powered sugar, just as sweet as she was. She smelled like a bouquet of lillies, pansies, and daffodils. Hugh broke from his trance and started to stand up. Fiona opened her eyes as Hugh took her hands and pulled her up. They held each other close in a waltz position, swaying to the rhythm of the music. Gradually, their outstretched arms grew tired. Fiona returned her arms to Hugh's neck and Hugh rested his hands above Fiona's hips. They continued swaying along with the record, foreheads pressed against one another. Hugh didn't notice but Fiona was smiling, recalling their first kiss. How Hugh's lips were soft and slightly sticky with honey. She could always taste it every time their lips met. She thought about his scent, a warm maple snicker-doodle cookie. He was always beaming with a timeless glow. A happiness simply radiated from him. At least when Fiona was around. Hugh felt warmer when she touched him, stroking his cheek or leaned against him. The two made the room fuzzy and calm with their love. Which made Horace feel violated. He woke up, uncomfortable. Sometimes, his peculiarity was a pain, poking at the privacy of someone's future. Although Horace had seen the paths of many different individuals, seeing one of someone so close to him was too much. This dream especially, prodded at Horace's thoughts. He knew he should tell Hugh. But after watching his friend, his brother break down one too many times, he never did.

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