Chapter 4

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"Where the hell could she be?" grumbled Minako, closing the 10th door of the Three Lights' residence and pouted.

I could be partying by now, but no! Yaten-kun had to go ditch me for some stupid drinks! It doesn't take 3 hours to get something to drink!

"Freaking damn her!" she cursed out loud and continued her search for the silver-haired musician.

At the same time some brave guy waltzed up to her drunkenly and placed a hand on the small of her back. His breath causing her to gag when he tried to 'seductively' whisper in her ear.

"Why don't you and I find a place to go and ... Spread some Christmas cheer? You know, light up some Christmas lights, " he slurred, moving his hand down to cup her ass.

Minako, already irritated as hell, grasped onto his wrist with frightening strength. A nauseatingly sweet smile spread across her face as she pried his hand away from her body.

"I don't think that'll be a good idea, kind sir. I'm too much for you to handle and I've already had a very shitty evening so far, so could you not try to grope me with your sweaty hands? I'd break them off, shove one up your ass, the other down your throat, and that should be a Christmas gift you'd never forget!" she snarled, her voice dripping with such sweetness and subtle venom that the poor man could only nod. Terror very apparent across his suddenly sober face.

Shoving at him, Minako hissed, "So fuck off! And reality check! This is a New Year's Eve party, not a Christmas one! Got it?!"

He nodded his head, his eyes still staring at her as if she were the devil incarnate.

Then she shoved pass him, fuming at the mouth at the audacity of that ... That pig for trying to grope her at a Three Lights' party of all places!

"Asshole should be glad that I didn't tear his arms off for touching me as if I were some piece of meat, " the blonde-haired beauty grumbled, searching around for ethereal-colored hair or even cat-like green eyes amongst the crowd filling the Three Lights' condo.

Where the hell could she have gone?!

Close to pulling at her hair, she skimmed the crowd once again when she saw a certain hairstyle consisting of odangoes. The athlete pushed her way through the crowd towards her look-alike, making sure to keep her in her sights in case she disappeared herself.

"USAGI-CHAN!" she called, causing the other girl to nearly jump several feet away from Seiya with whom she was dancing.

Holding in a giggle at her friend's expense from how flushed she was, she placed her hands on her hips. Her face schooled into a scowl as she prodded the other girl, "Have you seen Yaten-kun? I haven't seen her for the past 3 hours!"

Usagi shook her head. "No, not since she talked to Seiya earlier."

That moved her attention onto the dark-haired female, who acted as if she were simply doing her nails from how laid back she was compared to her 'twin', and demanded, "Where did Yaten-kun go?"

Seiya shrugged and answered,"She said that she had a headache from the amount of guys trying to hit on her tonight, so she went to her room."

"And where would that be? I've looked everywhere! You guys' place is huge!"

The dark-haired idol hummed and pointed behind her. "Should be the first door you see to the left. You should probably knock just in case -."

"Okay! Thank you, Seiya-san! I owe you one!" hollered Minako before disappearing inside the crowd.

Usagi gave Seiya a confused look. "But didn't Yaten-kun say that she ...?"

Seiya shrugged again. "Don't know. Don't care. Shrimp is strange and very high maintenance. Nobody has time for that, " she dismissed and pulled the blonde close to her once more with a smirk. "Now, where were we?"

The odango-haired girl giggled as the singer dipped her and resumed their dance.

Meanwhile, Minako followed Seiya's directions to Yaten's room. Excitement building within her at what may occur after she passes through the door.

Maybe she'll be in her sleepwear! I hear that she goes to bed in only her panties!

Her eyes filled with hearts at that thought. Her mouth salivating as she grasped onto and turned the door knob. Creeping inside, she started, "Hey, Yaten-kun! If you wanted to ditch me, you could've just - OH MY GOD! I'M SO SORRY!"

A naked Ami screamed and fell from on top of an equally naked Taiki, who flew up and hit her head on the headboard.

"DAMNIT!" swore the amethyst-eyed genius, rubbing at her head.

"MINAKO-CHAN!" screeched a red Ami, trying to cover herself up with the sheets.

Minako laughed sheepishly, hand still covering her eyes. "I'm sorry guys! Very, very sorry! Get back to ... Um ... Fucking?" She gave one last nervous chuckle before closing the door behind her on the way out.

"WHERE THE HELL IS YATEN-KUN?!" She bellowed afterwards, steam coming from her ears.


Yaten stood outside on the balcony of their condo, camera in hand as she took pictures of the night sky. She rolled her eyes with a cringe when she heard Minako's voice. "Oh boy ... Trouble is coming ... " the silver-haired teen groaned and made her way inside. "I hope that the new year isn't like this."

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