He Finds Out You Self Harm - Niall Horan 1D Preference.

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You have struggled with self harm since the age of 13. Your boyfriend Niall knew that you had self harmed in the past, but had no idea about you harming recently.

Niall has gone to band practice, and wouldn't be back till later, knowing what the boys get up to ;)

Your P.O.V

Now that Niall's gone, I won't risk getting caught harming. Phew, if he did find out it would break his heart, i couldn't bare to see his reaction.

You tip-toe to bathroom and lock the door, even though nobody was home. You take one last look at your twitter feed and all it shows is hate:

Why are you so ugly bitch?!? Go die Niall is MINE!!!!

Why were you even born? Your a waste of space you fat cow!!!!!

Go kill yourself!! Nobody likes you even Niall!!! How can he even look at you, little hoe!!!

That last post does it, you decide this is finally it! You are going to commit suicide today, you decide to do it quickly and not think about it.

You slice the sharp blade down your arm, with every inch the blood comes pouring out. At first it stings and burns, but soon you can't feel it and everything becomes fuzzy and blurry.

You start to feel dizzy, and fall back from the sink hitting your head on the side of the bath. Next thing you see is the floor and a pool of blood around you, your eyelids begin to close and you feel peaceful and light as a feather as you drift off into darkness..


Niall's P.O.V

"(Y/N) princess I'm home! Princess? Where are you?" he shouts getting slightly worried. He searched the downstairs of your flat, nothing...

"(Y/N), seriously where are you? Your worrying me now.." whispering the last bit to himself with tears forming in his eyes.

Niall sprints upstairs to continue searching, nowhere to be found; suddenly he remembers the bathroom! He rushes to the door,

"Shit (Y/N)! Why is the door locked?!?! Babe please let me in I'm worried about you!!!" he screams, no answer..

He decides to break the door down.

1... BANG!!!!

2... BANG!!!!

3... BANG!!!!

4... CRASH!!!!

The lock finally gives way, by this time tears are streaming down his face and his hair was all over his face. He sees you and breaks down on his knees beside you.

"No! No! No! Princess please wake up! Baby don't leave me please stay with me.." he whispered into your hair...


Authors note:

I hope you like it!

If you are having problems with self harm, depression or suicide, please feel free to talk to me. I have been through this and overcome it and I hope I can help you guys too.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2014 ⏰

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