Chapter 2

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Ally's POV

I suddenly stir and sit up. I must have dozed off. Luckly the bus hasn't stopped at Heathrow yet. About five minutes later the bus pulls up at Heathrow and i drag all three suitcases and stumble out the front door. My hotel is about a mile away from here and i planned walking but that doesn't seem an option now. I will go book a taxi in the airport.

I drag my suitcases (just bareley) through the automatic doors, my arms feel like they are going to fall off. Maybe it would be easier to approach this a different way. I turn my back to the crowd and i walk backwards dragging my suitcases with me.

Suddenly i bump into someone and i quickly spin around "i'm so so sorry" i splutter. a young man looks up at me with sunglasses in his hands.

I gasp. I stare into the most beautiful, blue, opal eyes I have ever seen. but, I recognize them. I have seen then somewhere before. suddenly he shakes his head and puts his glasses back on.

"it's alright" he replies in a thick American accent. I analyses him for a second. he hides his head under a red and white striped baseball cap, he wears sunglasses and a red polo shirt though it looks really expensive. he looks about 19 or 20.

I break out of my trance and realize I was staring at him. flushing red, I pick up my suitcases and go back to plan A of facing fowards. I get ready to haul my suitcases along when the man speaks up. "let me help you with those" he smiles and lifts up two.

We walk over to the reception to book a taxi. "can I have a taxi to the the premier inn close to here?" I say

A woman chewing gum, picks up the phone and orders the taxi. I hear a little cough next to me so I turn around. the man smiles me. "I best be off" he says and turns to leave.

"Wait mr... I didn't catch your name?"

He turns back around "uhhhhh" he seems to not know his own name. "it's George" he says

"Okay... george? wanna get a drink in the cafe" I ask

"Ummmm sure" he replies, grinning cheekily

We make our way over to costa coffee and i grab a table for two. George drags all three of my cases over and sits down puffing with the effort.

"What have you got in there?" he asks "bricks or something"

I giggle at him. A waitress comes over and flashes us a thourough smile. "What can i get you today?" she says.

"Just a latte" i reply and glance over at george.

"Nothing for me" he says politely as the waitress walks off. Something clicks in my brain. I know i have seen those eyes before. He flashes me a grin and i see pure white teeth. I know that smile...

"So" he questions, breaking the silence. "Where ya heading?"

"America...umm...Florida" i reply quickly

"me to" he says sounding genuily surprised.

I look into his sunglasses. "i haven't introduced myself" i remarked. "I'm Ally. Ally Sharpe" i growl, mimiking james bond. He chuckles at me. I have heard that laugh before. "So George." i ask "tell me a bit about you"

"You remind me of......" he starts

"Of who?" i ask

"no one" he says although i can see he is lying, "Well, i have four best friends. Harry, lou.....ummm lewis, james and malika"

"Malika. pfft. Interesting name" I mutter trying to hold in my giggles.

"Uh yeah" he says, sounding unneasy

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