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~Louis' POV~
As I expected, after Harry walked me to my hotel room door, I opened it to find Niall sitting on my bed. Curse those extra key cards.

"You said that we'd talk after your date, so what's up Lou?" He said looking at me expectantly. I really don't want to talk about this.

"It has been on my mind lately." I sighed out. Immediately his demeanor changed signifying that he knew what I was referring to. I'm glad I didn't have to say it.

"Have you told Harry or Simon about it?" I honestly wished I could crawl out of my skin in this moment.

"I'm not ready to talk about this." I said pinching the bridge of my nose and slumping onto the bed. He slowly moved closer to me and put his arms around me. For once I didn't flinch, it just felt nice to know that he wouldn't push me to open up. We just sat like that in silence for a few minutes before he pulled away to look into my eyes.

"Maybe we should get you a therapist." He said thoughtfully. I internally cringed. A therapist? I don't need a shrink.

"I don't want to sit in a room alone with a stranger and tell them about the embarrassing things I've lived through." He sighed and it was quiet again.

"Y'know you're going to have to talk soon right? You can't keep hurting yourself by keeping it all bottled up." I knew he was right, but I also wasn't ready to open myself up to the pain of discussing it all. If I could avoid the subject I could pretend that all of this wasn't real. That I was simply playing a role in a movie and that this wasn't really my life.

I knew I couldn't do this forever so I told him what I could handle at the moment. I described the feelings I had around people, how uncomfortable it was to be in places that didn't have a lot of witnesses, the nightmares where I was forced to go through it over and over again, the issues I had with overcrowded places, the disgust I felt being touched or looked at extensively by strangers, and finally about the medication my doctor gave me for my PTSD. The whole time he just listened carefully, not taking his eyes off of mine. He was just being there for me and didn't judge or criticize me for not telling anyone about these things. It felt good.

Getting it all off my chest made me feel lighter almost as if I were carrying a huge burden before. I'm just so grateful to have friends as amazing as these lads. I don't know how I got so lucky. We hugged one last time before he walked towards the door.

"G'night, Ni." I said sleepily.

"Night, Lou. Love you." He said yawning.

"Love you, too." I called out and heard the door close. I went to the bathroom quickly and went through my nightly routine before climbing into bed. I fell asleep thinking about everything that had happened today.

~Harry's POV~
I couldn't stop smiling. Louis was now my boyfriend. The date went absolutely perfect. I can't wait to start planning the next one.

Despite my happy mood, I was still thinking about making a few cuts. I don't know why because I have everything I want now. This whole thing has just gotten too out of hand. I think I have an addiction from relying on it so long. I need to talk to a professional but I don't want to end up in rehab. Hopefully, this will all be history in a few months. I don't want to still deal with these issues. I want to confront my past and to be free from all of the feelings and secrets. Tomorrow is the day I'll start making better choices for myself.

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