My day is getting worse by the mintue

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6:00am 2014, Sep, 10th

I take a quick glimpse in the mirror to check if my beanie is matching my outfit, I was wearing high

Waisted shorts they were black with studded pockets, And a white crop top to show off my belly

Ring. Today I thought I should wear my black beanie my hair was in lose curls while my makeup

Was 4 coats of mascara, winged eyeliner that I happened not to mess up this time.

I grab my iPhone 5c and head downstairs, I sit down at the island in the kitchen before I leave.

I eat a granola bar and text Summer A.K.A my best friend.

"Good morning honey, your father and I are not gonna be home until 9 tonight ok," my mother

Said, "ok" I replied.


Me: I'm ready, I'll pick you up in 10 tops.

Summer: kay,

I slip on my black converse and head to the drive way, were my car was, witch was a Audi 4 then

I start to back out of my drive, my house has 4 floors, not including attic and basement. You could

Say I lived in the rich area but so did a lot of kids in our school.

I drive all the way to the end off the street and take a right and the first house on the street is

Summers house, her house was a 3floored house, not including basement and attic. She has 1

younger sister, her name was Valerie and her parents were divorced.

After a few seconds Summer heads out and I see she is wearing a dress that was 5inches over her

Knees not revealing too much of her thighs though, it was a light grey. She was wearing black toms

And her hair was straight.

"Hey" My best friend tells me as she hops into the passenger seat, "hello best friend" I say heading

To school.

Before I knew it we were in the school parking lot less then 7 mins, I see Josh A.K.A best friend

Since we were in diapers heading my way. I roll down the window "Hey , I just need to park my car

but I'll talk to you later" I start driving away.

I park into an empty parking lot and I head into the school.

Summer and I head our own ways because she doesn't start first period with me.

"Oh nice outfit Paige !" A girl with glasses and a pony tail says.

But I usually ignore the compliments.

"Where did you buy that outfit summer?" I over heard some girl asking Summer,

"F21" Summer says in a 'duhh' tone

As late as I was the bell rang like there's no tomorrow, what a day to start off senior year.

I start to head to my locker. I pull out my science binder and text books and slam my locker.

I turn around to fast and bump into a hard chest, I scrunched my nose "ouch"

"Watch were your going 'princess' "'I look up to see who the victim was but as soon as I looked

Into his blue icy eyes and the way his brown hair was shiny, I noticed who he was. his name was

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