Joshua Kimmich

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Joshua Kimmich

"You sure your brother isn't going to kill me?" Joshua asks and kisses the side of my neck

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"You sure your brother isn't going to kill me?" Joshua asks and kisses the side of my neck. "He already knows about us." You say and wrap your arms around him.
"I love you." He says. You kiss him on the lips and whispers the same sentence. "Let's go out tonight after we meet up with your brother." Joshua says and stands up from our bed. My brother invited us for a late lunch at this cute restaurant , I love.
"Well , let's get dressed." I say to myself and make my way to our bathroom to take a long shower. After I put on light make up and some casual clothes , I'm ready to go. "Alright , baby. Let's go." Joshua says and kisses me passionate. "You look beautiful today." He compliments me. "Gross." I hear a voice say. "Robert!" You run in the arms of your brother. " i missed you so much." You says and hug him very tight. "I missed you too , Megan." He hugs me tighter. "Bro." Robert says and hugs Joshua. "How have you two been?" He asks, while we walk towards Robert's car. "We're doing fine. What about you?" I ask him and step inside the car. "Busy , but i'm doing great. " he says with a smile and looks at Joshua. "Are you treating my sister well?" Robert asks. "Of course I do." Joshua replies annoyed. My brother likes Joshua , but he just doesn't like me and him together. He's too worried. "I'm sorry. She is my little sister , i'm just protecting." Robert apologizes.
"It's alright." Joshua says.
A couple minutes later we arrive at the restaurant. I'm seated next to Joshua , who sits across Robert.
"So any plans for tonight?" I ask my brother to break the silence. "Nope, just going to chill at" "We're going to this new club." "Have fun." My brother says before the food arrives.

"It was fun. We need to do it again soon!" My brother waves at us , before he drops us at the club. After lunch my brother let me go home , so i could change and look a little bit more presentable for the club.

Joshua and I met up with our friends and right now , me and some girls were turning up. "Megan! Come!" They walk with me towards the center , dance floor kinda part of the club. I start dancing with my girls , enjoying my night.
"You can dance very well." I hear a voice behind me say. I turn around and I'm met with beautiful grey eyes. "Uh.. Thanks , i guess." I say a bit awkward. "I'm Manuel , By the way." He smiles and holds out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Megan." I smile. "Nice to meet you. Would you like anything to drink? " he asks. To be honest , since i've been dating Joshua i wasn't really around guys. But this guy seems very sweet.
"Sure." I say and walk behind him towards the bar. "What would you like to drink?" He asks and orders for himself. "Just a uh.. Cola?" You don't want to drink much tonight , since you are the one to get everyone home safely."you sure?" He asks with a small smile. "Yep." You say and sit down. "Tell me about yourself. Boyfriend? Age? Tell me" he asks and sits down next to me. "Uh, yes, his name is Joshua. I'm 22 years old. And uhm.. If you want to know , I work as a make-up artist." You shyly say. "Wow that's amazing and such young age. Joshua? Is he here to?" He asks and looks around. "He is, but he is having fun with his friends." You laugh. "Well , what about you?" Before he can answer , he is pushed off his chair. "What are you doing?" You hear a familiar voice say. "Calm down , dude." Manuel says and stands up. I turn around and see an angry Joshua standing behind me. "You for real?" Joshua says and pushes Manuel. "Don't talk to my girlfriend." "Well, she isn't complaining that I do." Manuel says and pushes Joshua. Before i Know they are fighting. Joshua is on the ground , while Manuel is using his fists on Joshua. They both are screaming the meanest insults at eachother. Joshua tries to turn them around , but he fails and gets punched in the face by Manuel. Joshua frees his arm and punches Manuel on his nose. This makes it easier for him to turn them around. A few more punches are thrown , until some security guards pull them off eachother.
"You better watch out." Joshua spits at Manuel , before he is pushed away. "I'm so sorry , Manuel." You tell him. You apologize once more , before you follow Joshua towards the exit. You both are pushed inside a cab , but you are just too angry to speak to him. "Please , talk to me." Joshua says and softly touches your thigh. "No." You say to him roughly and push his hand away. "We'll talk at home." You say as you see the driver look at you two with curiousity. "Alright." He whispers softly.

"You are ridiculous." You yell at Joshua. "For what? Being jealous? Every healthy boyfriend is! When you have a beautiful girlfriend a lot of guys like to steal her." He says and looks at her. "He was just being nice! We just talked and we just Had fun! Like friends!" "I just didn't trust the asshole!" Joshua shouts. "Oh please! He wasn't even acting suspicious!" She shouts back. "I'm just jealous , because i'm insecure. You are so beautiful and i'm just so afraid to loose you." He sighs and sits down. "One day a man will walk by and will steal your heart with his looks. " he says. "He won't. Because I'm a already have you. Looks aren't everything. What's inside counts to. I love you , Joshua. But please , fighting doesn't fit you." You say and you lay your head on his shoulder. "I love you too , baby." He says and places a kiss on top of your head. "Let's go to bed. " you say. He nods his head and walks behind you to your room.

The next morning you wake up next to a smiling Joshua. "Good morning." You say and yawn loudly. "Morning. I made you breakfast." He says to happily , what makes you lift a brow. "Thanks." You give him a kiss and you start eating. "I want to give you something." He says and walks around the bed to sit at your side. He grabs a small white box with a beautiful ring in it. It's very subtle , but very beautiful. "It's a promise ring , I want to give it to you. Because i acted like an idiot yesterday and because of course, I love you and this is a ring that will have the meaning that i will marry you. That I will keep you happy and just make you the happiest woman on earth. This ring shows you my love for you." He says and shoves the ring on her finger and kisses her knuckles softly. Tears are streaming down her face by now. "That's so sweet." You cry and lay your head in his neck. "I love you." You smile and hug him tight. "I promise
you , that one day i'll marry you." He says. "You better keep that promise , Joshua."


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