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the record store; ix; the 1975

I'm not a musician, but I thought I had an idea of how set-lists worked before I heard Adam play.

You'd think you'd start with an upbeat song, to get the audience going. Let them know you're there. Then maybe slow down, you know, so you didn't pass out on stage because you'd been jumping around for fifteen minutes and hadn't had a snack break. And then an upbeat song to leave with, because, well, that's what I thought everyone does. A good wholesome selection.


'Acoustic', Davie said. Acoustic, I presumed. Chuck in some James Blunt, maybe some Ed Sheeran. Something by the 1975; Girls is always a good one. Wonderwall by Oasis. Classic. 


Had I ever heard Enter Sandman played acoustically before tonight? I had not. Had I now? Yes. I needed to sit down.

"I don't think I've seen anything like that before." I whispered to Davie as the lights brightened and the several remaining claps died down (the audience were oddly into it). "How somebody can pull of that I will never know. Jumping off the amp during his cover of Can't Help Falling in Love was truly inspired."

Davie laughed. "He's different. Experimental. More so than usual to be honest."

"I definitely think your classification of acoustic was a little bit loose." I edged off of the stool I was sitting on and looked towards the bar, which was slowly becoming busier with people getting a drink in before the other musicians played. "You want anything?"

"Well, I did say mostly acoustic. Who was I to know that he'd pull out a full Queen EP midway through a set? And coffee would be great." He smiled and waited for me to walk to the bar before getting of his chair himself before walking towards the small stage, to wait to talk to Adam; the new musician.

Half a coffee later, Adam appeared, guitar case in hand, beaming. "Davie, mate. Great to see you." They shook hands and I took another sip of the drink in my hand. "What'd you think of the set? Think I'm onto something here."

"It was certainly something." Davie laughed, warily this time. "Wasn't sure you could pull all of that off in a half an hour slot but there you go. I think people were into it though."

"At least tell me I impressed your girlfriend." I choked slightly on the water in my throat but kept it from going full-on water fountain and smiled. Davie gave me a sidelong glance, then looked away. I could see him turning a shade of red I'm sure I was also turning. Fortunately, Adam seemed to be unaware of this. "Hopefully your insight into Davie's musical taste didn't put you off him. Adam. Nice to meet you."

He held out his hand and I shook it. "Hollie. Good to meet you too."

"Any plans for the rest of the evening?" Davie asked, keeping the attention off of his now only slightly flushed complexion. "Anyone else tonight any good?"

"Well, you know they start with the best here." He laughed like he was joking. "Girl up next is pretty good. Has some killer original songs she was practicing back there. Tried to teach her some cool guitar jumps but she ignored me."

"Clever girl." Davie retorted. "Want to grab a seat?"

We managed to get our old seats by the bar back midway through the next act, who was quite good (and had a normal set list). The girlfriend comment remained unmentioned (fortunately, due to the immense amount of awkwardness that would surely follow: we'd never really discussed it), and although I knew as soon as I informed Laura when the evening was over and I was back home, she would have told me I should have manned up and faced it head on. I think at this point there was one response I would definitely want to hear more than the other; a yes to the girlfriend idea, and a well done, from Davie and Laura respectively.

Adam left a little later in the evening to thank the owner for letting him play, which left me and Davie alone again, with now empty glasses in hand, and no more musicians left to play. Taking the steady hint given by everyone else who was grabbing their coats and making their way towards the door, I stood up myself and put my jacket over my shoulder. Davie followed, holding onto my hand as he guided me out of the building and back out into the now dark street.

"Good night?" He asked as we walked past the familiar glow of shops we had done several times before.

"Different, unexpected, but good." I smiled. "Certainly good."

We walked in silence for a little bit, our hands swinging stupidly as we turned not one, but two corners. The girlfriend thing, regardless of how stupid it was, was playing in my mind. I felt like I should ask him. But if he took it badly? But would he take it badly because I thought he would take it badly but realistically he would have been perfectly fine with it.

This was ridiculous.

I should man up.

I should also put my coat on. It's a little bit cold.

I had one arm in my coat. "Davie. What Adam said?" 

He looked at me. "Girlfriend." We said in unison.

"Look I don't want to impose anything I just..." He cut me off with a kiss.

"I'm happy, and I like you, a lot. You put up with me, and my taste in music, and my odd taste in friends, and..." He said. "Girlfriend?"

I nodded. "Yes."


AN - I vaguely remembered writing in a comment that I would have this finished by the end of the year. Though it's been so long that I don't remember whether that was this year, or last year or eight hundred and two years ago. It feels like it's been that long, but it's over.

This is the first full thing I've ever wrote, and it's a long time in the making (this story has been kicking around since Dec 2013). Thanks for dealing with it for this long, if you're still here. It's mismatched, cheesy and a little bit (lot) rubbish, but it's now complete.

But thank you, cheers mates. Maybe there will be something new in the future, but for the foreseeable future, this is the final chapter of Hollie, Davie and the Record Store.

Hope you enjoyed it (or at least didn't hate it) (or me for not adding anything to this for over a year!!!!)

Em x

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