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Noah'sArc: Hello Dan! How are you doing??

DanIsASexyLlama: Hey Noah! I'm great now that i'm talking to you!

Noah'sArc: Wow! I feel so honoured! Anyways, I wanted to see how you were doing? What are you up to??

DanIsASexyLlama: Um, nothing much, reading fanfiction watching youtube i guess.

Noah'sArc: Oh that sounds cool! Wait! I have a friend who does YouTube! Do you maybe want to meet him??

DanIsASexyLlama: wAIT REALLY?!?!?!?

Noah'sArc: Yeah! Do you?

DanIsASexyLlama: OF COURSE!

Noah'sArc: Ok, ok! Wait one moment whilst I make a group chat!

DanIsASexyLlama: Okay!

Noah'sArc created a groupchat.

Noah'sArc added DanIsASexyLlama, PrincePhillipines.

DanIsASexyLlama: Hey!?!

PrincePhillipines: Hello! Noah has told me about you! It's great to finally talk to you!

DanIsASexyLlama: Awe really? It nice to meet you too!

Noah'sArc: I'm glad to see you guys have hit it off. Don't leave me out though! 😉

DanIsASexyLlama: Awe, don't worry Noah, your still my best friend.

PrincePhillipines: Yeah...don't worry. We'd never leave you out!

Noah'sArc: Good. Hey! Guess what we should do?

Noah'sArc: We should meet one another in real life!


DanIsASexyLlama: Shouldn't we get to know each other a little bit before we meet though?

Noah'sArc: What's there to know more about each other? We know we're all already great friends! So therefore we should meet?!

Noah'sArc: I mean, I feel so alone in my house with my own family - I just feel like you guys would never leave me.

DanIsASexyLlama: Yeah, but, i mean, we don't even know what each other looks like, picture exchange?

Noah'sArc: Sure!!

PrincePhillipines: Okay!!

PrincePhillipines sent a picture.

DanIsASexyLlama sent a picture

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DanIsASexyLlama sent a picture.


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Noah'sArc: ...I'm self conscious...so...I prefer if I didn't send one.

DanIsASexyLlama: That's alright! and you're so cute btw :3.

PrincePhillipines: Awe thanks! x

Noah'sArc: Anyway. You're looking mighty hot Dan.. might not be a good idea for us to meet, I may get a little touchy 😉 x

DanIsASexyLlama: Haha, um, yeah...maybe.

Noah'sArc: Maybe you're right; maybe it is a little too early for us to meet. Let's get to know each other a little first.

DanIsASexyLlama: Yeah! Okay, so, 'PrincePhillipines' is your name Phil?

PrincePhillipines: Yeh, it is! And I'm guessing your name is Phil?

PrincePhillipines: I mean Dan XD

PrincePhillipines: Damn.

DanIsASexyLlama: Haha, I wish my name was Phil, it's such a lovely name :3 but yes my name is Dan.

PrincePhillipines: Wow. Thank you though Dan is a beautiful name! I'd rather have my name be Dan. But anyways, what are you up to?

DanIsASexyLlama: You're so kind, i'm just watching Youtube, that reminds me Noah said you had a Youtube channel?

PrincePhillipines: Yeah I do! Would you like to stalk me?

DanIsASexyLlama: Yeah, I mean, I'll watch some of your videos!

PrincePhillipines: AmazingPhil. Hope you enjoy my videos! They're not the best, bare in mind!

DanIsASexyLlama: I bet they're great Phil.

PrincePhillipines: Like you then x

DanIsASexyLlama: Haha, no i'm not that great.

PrincePhillipines: Well, you seem great to me Dan. Don't sell yourself short.

Noah'sArc left the groupchat.


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ik my author's notes are da bomb.

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