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Hey, I'm Ariana and I have a funny accent because I'm from Australia

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Hey, I'm Ariana and I have a funny accent because I'm from Australia. I enjoy wearing clothes that are very large but very comfy and I always say how much I hate going outside, but nature is so fucking cool. Also takes super close pictures of myself and my friends because that's FUNNY 2 ME. I HAVE A PUG AND SHE'S GREAT, I LOVE HER. I'm aight, not that cute but not too ugly and kind of funny.

 I'm aight, not that cute but not too ugly and kind of funny

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this is my loser of a best friend who happens to sing and dance really well. heS ALSO HAS REALLY SMOOTH SKIN

hEs SO tAlenTed, iTs anNoyING

i got a nice personality !!Where stories live. Discover now