Ever since Camila did that duet with Shawn, I knew she wanted to do her own thing - meaning going solo. Not only did I see that coming, but the other girls did too. I was pretty supportive about the choice's Camila was making. We'd stay up until 3 in the morning and talk about our future. What we'd hope to accomplish then - Camila said she wanted to have her own album by then, and wishes nothing to us but love & happiness. I was sadden by the fact that she rathered do things on her own, without me; but if that made her happy, I support her. I guess I should of I mentioned that she told me those things in the beginning of 2014. As months went by and the year 2015 came, Normani, Ally, and Dinah changed, a lot. We use to all be close. We'd have sleepovers together on our days off and watch movies while eating pizza, or we'd get frozen yogurt and tell each other our secrets. But then, the girls constantly pick on her. Normani would yell at her before a show telling her to stop stealing all the spotlight. Ally would talk about Camila's messy vocals. I'd see Dinah hide Camila's clothes before an interview or a show so that Camila would show up late and look unprofessional. My heart hurt seeing those things, but believe me, I defended her, and I would help Camila find her clothes - because I loved her and I hated her feeling embarrassed. She thanked me and continued hanging out with me, constantly telling me she loved me and how much she appreciated my help. But then 2016 came... this time, she changed. She distanced herself from me. I'd ask her to hang out and she'd say she was busy - yet post pictures of her parties with Taylor. It's like Taylor was taking over her. They'd talk on the phone at 3am, like we did, and I'd hear Camila say "why do you want me to leave Fifth Harmony so badly?" then that's when I realized Camila didn't wanna leave, Taylor was messing with her mind and slowly started getting her to think differently and leave. It was too late to stop her. She didn't talk to any of us. Not even me, even if I tried talking to her. She'd reply with "yeah" or "cool" so then that's when I started distancing myself from her as well. I'd only talk to Normani, Ally, and Dinah in interviews and behind cameras. I started hanging out with my old friends again. That's how Lucy came along. We'd go get coffee and stay up until 3 in the morning as well. One night, she fell asleep as we watched The Notebook and I couldn't help but to stare at her. That's when I realized I was in love with Lucy. 3 days after that I decided to invite her over to tell her how I felt because that was the only thought in my mind for those 3 days. She told me she felt the exact way. After a week or so, we went to a party and at that party there was a photo booth. Me, Lucy and 2 other friends decided to get in and take some photos. As the booth was getting set up, I decided to pop the question, and she said yes. After 1 second of her saying yes, the booth turned on & took the photo. We decided to kiss each other as a way of celebrating. Then, it leaked, and I came out.